Character Spotlight: Captain Boomerang

Boomerangs are a comic book staple. Whether they're shaped like bats or attacked to arrows, they make appearances in some form or another. While the heroes may use boomerangs that…

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Character Spotlight: Rose Wilson

Daughter of one of the deadliest people on the planet. Manipulated by her own father. A family of dangerous and deadly people. Rose Wilson sure has the deck stacked against…

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Character Spotlight: Doctor Light

DC Comics is known for having two Doctor Lights but the best one is easily Kimiyo Hoshi. She's a hero and worked with Superman in her earliest appearances and is…

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Character Spotlight: Deadman

Happy Dia de los Muertos and All Saints Day! Just cause the scariness of Halloween is over doesn't mean the dead aren't still up and about! Just look at Deadman!…

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