Ye Olde School Cafe': Secret Wars pt 4

Hey everybody, welcome to another week in Ye Olde School Cafe'! In this week's edition, we'll see the conclusion to Marvel's ultimate superhero and villain clash in Secret Wars! Up…

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Bento Bako Weekly: My Bad! & Kabuki vol 3

Ttile: Kabuki: Moon Author: Yukari Hashida Publisher: Digital Manga Publishing (Juné) Volume: Volume 3 (ongoing), $12.95 Vintage: 2005 by Kaiosha Publishing, February 2011 by DMP Genre: Yaoi (18+), historical drama,…

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Ye Olde School Café: Secret Wars pt 2

Hey everybody, welcome back to another week in Ye Olde School Café! In this week's edition, we'll continue our stroll through the monster that is know as Secret Wars! Last…

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