Character Spotlight: Young Avengers

Each generation must make a name for themselves, sometimes that's by taking inspiration from the one before it. The Young Avengers were originally made when things were at their worst…

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New ‘Black Widow’ Trailer!

After all of the teasers, concept art, and posters, the Black Widow movie is almost here and from the looks of this trailer it just might have been worth the…

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Character Spotlight: Jane Foster

Nurse, doctor, Thor. Jane Foster has held all these titles in her life. She's been an on again off again part of Thor Odinson's life since becoming a modern day…

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Ink Stains 117: Maelstrom 1

We have entered...a MAELSTROM! Russ Maheras's Maelstrom, that is, issue one! Maelstrom 1: Spring, 1974 Publisher/editor: Russ Maheras I was so jealous of Russ Maheras. That darn guy was all…

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Character Spotlight: Monica Rambeau

Made of energy. Leader of the Avengers. Leader of Nextwave. Captain Marvel. Monica Rambeau has held all these titles at one point or another and is always made of energy…

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