Ink Stains 173: The Creative Adventure 1

The Creative Adventure 1: November 1971Publisher/editor: David Kasakove Hello everyone...this is posting on January 1st, so it's the first column of the new year! I hope everyone had a good…

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Ink Stains 172: Visual Wonders 1

Visual Wonders 1: Winter 1978Publishers/Editors: Gary Dolmorn, Steve Vance, Bill Whitcomb It's always a pleasure to discover a fanzine I have never seen or heard of. Visual Wonders is a…

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Ink Stains 169: Infinity 1

Infinity 1: Summer 1970Editors/publishers: Adam Malin and Gary Berman What is that saying? From small things big things one day shall come? That definitely applies in this case. Infinity started…

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Ink Stains 166: Sentinel 3

Sentinel 3: Spring, 1972Editor and publisher: Randy Emberlin This month we have yet another fanzine in Sentinel I had no clue existed...and by a major player in the formation and…

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Ink Stains 159: CPL 9/10

CPL (Contemporary Pictorial Literature) 9/10, 1974Editor/publisher: Bob Layton Subtitled "Charlton Portfolio," CPL 9/10 is a loving tribute to that "little company that could." Charlton charmingly occupied a niche between Marvel…

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Character Spotlight: Kitty Pryde

She was the first of the next generation. She would become the template that many have followed in her steps. She’s become a hero beyond the team she started with…

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Ink Stains 147: Megaton 1

Megaton 1: November 1983Editor/publisher: Gary Carlson Though not a fanzine per se, Megaton came at a time when fanzines, though dwindling, were still being published here and there, giving future…

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Ink Stains 146: Ragnarok 3

Ragnarok 3: 1974Publishers/editors: Mark Collins, Eli Friedman This installment we will focus on a zine I was unaware of until recently, made aware by the fandom version of the Watcher…

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