Stay Tooned Sundays: X-Men Volume 1

Welcome back to another Sunday of TV fun. Well it's that exciting time of year again, when at long last we get to see new episodes of our favorite programs and check out all the new shows the tube has…

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Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 9/9/2010

Welcome to Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews! Here you can find out what we at thought of this past week’s new books in 140 characters or less! Make sure to come…

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The Uncanny X-Piles VII

Welcome back to the non-adjectiveless Uncanny X-Piles! Every once in a while, our dear editor-in-chief Andy will give us a break from our, so I'm thankful that he covered…

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The Comics Console: Spider-Man: Web of Shadows

Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions releases Tuesday, and with each day that passes, my excitement is turning into nervousness. On paper Shattered Dimensions looks fantastic. Even the new launch trailer looks amazing…

Continue Reading The Comics Console: Spider-Man: Web of Shadows Pull List: 08/25/10

Another Wednesday has arrived and that means new comics, and here at it’s time to see what our staff is reading! Listed below you’ll find details on each new…

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