The Uncanny X-Piles XXVIII

Its been awhile, but we're back with 18 reviews of mutant goodness in the latest edition of The Uncanny X-Piles! Age of X Alpha #1 Writer: Mike Carey Artist: Various…

Continue Reading The Uncanny X-Piles XXVIII Pull List: 2/23/11

Another Wednesday arrives and with it new comics, so what does our staff intend to pick up this week? Listed below you’ll find details on each new book that the crew is…

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Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 2/16/11

Amazing Spider-Man #654.1 (Marvel) Andy: The House of Ideas could not have picked a better person to be the new Venom. Jeff: I love this new status quo for Venom.…

Continue Reading Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 2/16/11 Pull List: 2/16/11

Once again New Comic Day is upon us and we have our list of what the staff is reading, followed by their individual pull lists and picks of the week!…

Continue Reading Pull List: 2/16/11 Pull List: 2/9/11

Another Wednesday has arrived which means new comics, and here at it’s time to see what our staff is reading! Listed below you’ll find details on each new book…

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Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 1/26/11

Action Comics #897 (DC) NickZ: The Joker/Lex Luthor dynamic is always fun, but this time it was brilliant! Age of X Alpha #1 (Marvel) Andy: Loved it! Can't wait to see how…

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