Kickstarter Review: Slightly Exaggerated #1

Slightly Exaggerated #1Publisher: To Infinity StudiosStory: Curtis ClowArt: Pius BakLetters: Toben RacicotVariant Cover: Jo Mi-Gyeong I first encountered Curtis Clow covering his crowdfunded coming-of-age fantasy adventure series Beastlands back in…

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Character Spotlight: Josuke Higashikata

Small towns can hide some of the strangest secrets and people. Josuke Higashikata knows this all too well, since he's one of those strange residents! What makes Josuke weird and what's…

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Character Spotlight: Men in Black

They don't exist. At least, not in any provable sense to anyone who doesn't work for them or fall under their jurisdiction. They defend the planet from all manner of…

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Ink Stains 136: Comic Crusader Storybook

Comic Crusader Storybook: 1977Editor/publisher: Martin Greim There are so many amazing fanzines in the past, full of incredible input from so many individuals. Some stand out because of the quality…

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