The Comics Console: Superman 64 pt 4

Superman 64 will never die. It's epic failure will remain like an ex-girlfriend's name tattooed on the ass of nerd culture. It will be forever reviled, but most of all…

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The Comics Console: Superman 64 pt 3

Oh Titus Software, how you have given us the greatest of all gifts. The true meaning of pain and suffering. The uncharted eighth level of hell. Superman 64. The Comics…

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Unsung Characters of Comicdom: Brute Force

Brute Force is a comic that was published by Marvel Comics about a team of animals with robotic exoskeletons who fight Uzi wielding clown mercenaries, carnivorous mutant plants, and godless…

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Ink Stains 10: Bald Ego 2

For artist/writers such as Frank Miller, David Mazzucchelli, and David Lapham, telling a good story is the most important thing. The same holds true for this column's subject, Earl Geier…

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