Humanoids’ Review: Pandemonium GN

French publisher Humanoids is one of those companies that will rarely disappoint. One of their latest offerings, Pandemonium is another story that can be added to the list of greats…

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Ink Stains 40: Baycon 1

Let's get in the hot tub time machine, back to when conventions were fun and convention program books weren't 90% ads! Let's bubble back to Bay Con 1, in 1975!…

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Abrams’ Books: Best of Enemies vol 1

Title: Best of Enemies: A History of US and Middle East Relations Author: Jean-Pierre Filiu Artist: David B. Publisher: Abrams Books/Self Made Hero Volume: Part 1: 1783-1953, $24.95 (HC, B&W)…

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Dark Horse Reviews: The Strain #4

The Strain #4 Publisher: Dark Horse Writer: David Lapham (story by Guillermo Del Toro and Chuck Hogan) Artist: Mike Huddleston Colorist: Dan Jackson As the strange plague starts to envelop…

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Indie Reviews: Chillers Anthology

Issue: Chillers OGN Creators: Daniel Boyd, Robert Tinnell, Gary Reed, William Bitner, Betsy Allen, Jason Pell, Juan Romera, J.C. Grande, Wayne Reid, Jason Rhodes, Ricardo Mendes, S.R. Ayers, Ger Curti,…

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WonderCon! 2012 Part 2

Welcome back! There were too many things to talk about and pictures to show to be just one article, so here we are again with more booths, and I'll talk…

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WonderCon! 2012 Part 1

  This past weekend, WonderCon was in Anaheim, California, and I made my way there and it was absolutely worth it. WonderCon has a San Diego Comic Con vibe, but…

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