Th3rd World Studios Reviews: Omega Chase #5

Omega Chase #5
Th3rd World Studios
Writer: Keith Dallas
Artist: Julio Molina-Muscara
Cover: Mark McKenna & Moose Baumann

“Band of Brothers and Sisters“: It’s been a while between issues, but it’s good to get back into the madness that has become Mack Baron’s life. He’s been transported across time and space, and so far he has no idea how or why this is happening to him, nor does he know how to stop it. What he does know is that in each time stream are people who are looking for him, trying to kill him, or attempting to help him.

This issue finds Mack transported to The Five Winds Forest where he has joined a group on a quest to overthrow the evil ruler Ekuban. This may sound pretty easy and straight forward, however in this land Mack was once a member of the evil ruler’s guard and isn’t trusted by the group. All except one, the sorceress Windsora, who has been vouching for Mack because she knows more about him and his situation than he does, and knows that he doesn’t pose a threat. He does, however, hold a great power that she knows can help win the fight against Ekuban. Too bad Mack has no idea about the immense power that resides inside of him, nor is he aware of another sinister plot that involves him during their attack on the castle. It’s going to be a very long day for our hero.

In Omega Chase we get the old west, a sci-fi adventure, and some sword and sorcery all brought together pretty effectively to tell the story of Mack Baron. At the beginning of this series I was a bit worried about how all of these elements were going to connect and tell a good story, but Keith has done quite well so far. This book has had bits of just about everything from zombies to murderous aliens, which may seem a bit overwhelming, but Keith has found a balance within so that you get just enough of each to help move the story. I will say that my favorite group of supporting characters has to be the ones we met in Omega Chase #3 and #4, and though they appear in a few panels here, it would be nice to see them again.

Julio’s artwork was pretty much standard as it’s been with this series, though the latter half of the book was a bit stronger visually than the beginning. And aside from the amount of time between issues, there’s very little to complain about with this series. There’s still plenty of mystery left in this story as Keith and Julio aren’t showing their hand just yet. There’s still the question as to the connection between Mack and John Kedian, because I doubt their resemblance to one another is a coincidence. Then we still have yet to find out the how and why of Mack’s situation and how it all started, so I’m definitely looking forward to the next couple of issues to answer the many questions.

Till next time!

Infinite Speech

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Keith Dallas

    Thanks for the review! Truth be told, my favorite group of supporting characters is also the Paladin starship crew from issues #3 and #4. We’ll see them again in issue #7. Oh, and the answer to the mysterious connection between Mack and John Kedian will be provided in issue #6. Essentially, issue #6 reveals Mack’s true situation. So get in your guesses now! 🙂

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