DC Announces Bryan Hill & Dexter Soy on new ‘Batman and the Outsiders’ Series!

If you’ve been reading the latest arc in Detective Comics then the question of whether or not we’ll be seeing a new Batman and the Outsiders title has probably popped up. It sure has online as readers have speculated and asked Bryan Hill if one of their favorite titles would be returning. Hill seems to have left bread crumbs scattered throughout the issues from the titles of the chapters to certain lines of dialogue but like a skilled fighter he’s slipped, evaded, and parried away direct questions about the topic. Until now…

It has been announced that we will be seeing Batman and the Outsiders on shelves this December! The title will be written by Hill with art from Dexter Soy. From the cover art by Tyler Kirkham and Arif Prionto we see that the team will consist of Black Lightning, Orphan, The Signal, and Katana. More details will come later but Hill did have this to say to the Washington Post:

“All I’ll say is, it is a team book with Batman in it, but the safety is off,” Hill said. “Hopefully it will be surprising and thrilling in ways that I don’t think people will quite expect. I’m becoming known a bit for a certain kind of intensity in my work, and I think this ‘Outsiders’ project will also continue on in that pathway.”

Batman and the Outsiders #1 cover art by Tyler Kirkham and Arif Prianto.

If you haven’t done so already I suggest checking out Hill’s Detective Comics run starting with issue #983 and wrapping up in #987. Then get ready for Batman and the Outsiders this December!

Infinite Speech

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