Moon Girl # 1 and 2
Publisher: Red 5 Comics
Writers: Tony Trov and Johnny Zito
Art: The Rahzzah
Red 5 Comics has taken the classic E.C. comics character Moon Girl and has given her a fantastic face lift in a new mini-series, with issues 1 and 2 already on stands.
The first and foremost, most important thing I will write in this review is that the artwork by The Rahzzah on this is “wow”! It is jaw droppingly cool and gorgeous to look at. His colors and compositions on each page make every stroke a work of art, as he captures the dark brooding crime and coolness of 1940s New York nights of what we strum up in our mind’s eye of pulp novels, and translates it to a tee on the page for us to view. With a vibe that’s Heavy Metal meets The Dark Knight, my favorite thing about this title is hands down the art.
The writing by Trov and Zito is just as hip as well. They give us a kick ass story, calling on the mystic of noir tales, the two-fistedness of murder novels, and a little suspense and horror of the best kind, blending it somehow all together into a story that doesn’t just give us an intriguing challenge for the hero to solve, but also an origin tale as well as lots of blood flying action. They just did a damn good job here.
Moon Girl tells the story of Clare Lune, who by day seems like a normal nurse in melting-pot New York, but when the sun goes down, using the moon stone to give her extra power, she becomes the kick ass femme fatale known as Moon Girl. In this mini-series, after taking out her former teacher-turned-villain Satana, Clare comes across a new breed of evil – a woman known as the Sugar Plum Fairy, who has the power to turn men into mindless zombie-like slaves out for blood. Mixed in with flashbacks of her escaping the old world and coming to New York to start anew but failing, an intriguing story unfolds between these two issues, leaving us with a great cliff hanger.
Moon Girl issues 1 and 2 are out on stands now. The art and writing are excellent as mentioned, and I highly recommend picking up this title that has a little something for everybody.
Drew McCabe
Review copies provided by Red 5 Comics.

I love Moon Girl. Trov, Zito and Rahzzah are all amazing at what they do!
Never read it but may have to check it out pretty soon.