Monkeybrain Comics Review: Subatomic Party Girls #1

Monkeybrain Comics Review: Subatomic Party Girls #1

SubatomicPartyGirlsIssue1CoverSubatomic Party Girls #1
Publisher: Monkeybrain Comics
Writers: Chad Bowers & Chris Sims
Artist: Erica Henderson
Letterer: Josh Krach

When one of the greatest bands on Earth heads to the moon to rock harder than ever before, things go wrong and we get the new series Subatomic Party Girls. Who is the band, why are they lost in space, and how will they return home? Some of these answers lie in the review, all of them are within the series. Let’s find out, shall we?

Beryllium Steel is one of the hottest bands around, and they are preparing for the biggest publicity stunt ever attempted – to be the first band on the moon. That premise was enough to get me reading the book, and then when I heard someone refer to it as “Jem and the Holograms meets Flash Gordon” I was even more on board.


My only complaint is that I want more right now and don’t want to wait. We get a brief intro to the band members of Cleo, Vette, and Libby, along with their shady manager and their former mad scientist. When an error in their warp drive engine shunts them off well beyond the moon, the band will have to rock their way back to Earth or die trying. We also get the first hint at a bigger world with the introduction of aliens and talk of chosen ones.


The book looks like a Saturday morning cartoon, and the whole series seems like it’d make a wonderful cartoon. The art is bright and colorful with fantastic designs for the humans as well as the aliens. No two characters look alike, so you don’t have to ever worry about being confused with who is who, even amongst the space pirates.


The story looks very promising, and I can’t wait to see where this goes. If you want something that’s wild sci-fi with the feel of a great cartoon, check out Subatomic Party Girls. The book feels like it’s a lost favorite show returned to my life, and I’m glad it’s here again for the very first time. The series is available now on comiXology for just ninety-nine cents, so it’s well worth a look.

Alexander Bustos

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