Welcome back to My First San Diego Comic Con, where all this week I’ve been recounting my only tango with Comic Con International! So far we’ve done lots of fun stuff: Met X-Men scribe Chris Claremont, toured the Comic Con floor attending signings and meeting a bunch of awesome industry people (part 1, part 2), scoped out the area outside the Convention Hall, and checked out all the cool and sexy Cosplayers in attendance (Group A, Group B).
Even though I only made it to Con on Friday, I still met a whole bunch of Cosplayers who were happy to have their picture taken to be showcased here at ComicAttack.net. Today we present our final grouping of Cosplayers with Group C! Remember, the Top 4 Cosplayers from each of the three groups (A, B, and C) will be featured in the Top 12 Cosplayers of SDCC 2010 poll which will go live tomorrow. Whoever the top 2 vote getters are in that grouping will win their selection of T-Shirts from MyTeeSpot.com (details below), so be sure to voice your opinion on who you think has the best costume!
I’m not going to pretend like I know who all these Cosplayers are supposed to be, but I’ll try my best. To keep things simple, each Cosplayer is assigned a number you can find in the poll below. I apologize in advance for some of the blurry pictures- that Con floor was packed with people. So get voting!

Now vote on your favorites! Remember, the Top 4 vote getters from this batch move on to compete in the Top 12 Cosplayers of SDCC poll to be published tomorrow (prize information below). So get voting and spread the word!
Prizes for this contest are sponsored by MyTeeSpot.com. For a selection of t-shirts available, please visit the Super Hero T-Shirtssection of their site. Styles and sizes are only available as listed. Winners will be required to forward their names and addresses to andy@comicattack.net before being able to claim their prize.
That’s all for now, but be sure to check in tomorrow as we post our Top 12 Cosplayers of SDCC poll! The two most voted Cosplayers will win the T-Shirt contest, so definitely come back and participate in the voting. Also, on Monday we’ll be posting one final article about SDCC, spotlighting the cool stuff I acquired throughout the day and more pictures from the Con floor!
For previous installments of My First San Diego Comic Con click here!
Andy Liegl
I can split the people in these photos into two categories HOT CHICK or TURBO NERD now I may love comic books hell my collection of Amazing Spider-man has over 534 issues dating back to the 60’s but I have a fine line that I do not cross like the modern batman will never kill I will never dress up as a superhero or pop culture icon outside of Halloween it’s just weird I have no beef with people who do that and if they do more power to them cause they have more confidence in themselves than me
but I will say this in all seriousness the Ironman mark 5 costume was pretty cool and props to the storm trooper one costume that never fails
That White Ranger was pretty slick!
Were they selling stuffed dogs at Comic-Con?
Elektra +1. The Green Whorenets were a close second. Also, is Rogue about to have a nip-slip?
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The girl from Cats is…bizarre. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone from some random musical at a COMIC convention. She looks like she stepped right off the stage.
That White Ranger is sooo cool!
This whole cosplay series has been amazing!
Iron Man guy wins my vote. Lol!