Marvel Snapshot: Character Spotlight: Storm

Welcome back everyone to another great spotlight right here in Marvel Snapshot! I’ll throw the X-world a little love after last week’s column with a spotlight on Storm! Yes, this sexy, sultry, hard-nosed, hot momma will be front and center this week, so strap on your seatbelts!

Ororo Munroe was created by Len Wein and Dave Cockrum during the hey-day of Marvel’s big re-establishment of the X-Men back in 1975 (Giant Size X-Men #1). She entered the team only knowing that she was a long way from Africa, and that she was going to fight for mutant rights alongside other mutants. Professor Xavier recruited her after meeting her as a child who was under the influence of the Shadow King. When Cyclops took a leave of absence, Storm became leader of the team. She was tough, but compassionate, and only feared one thing – her claustrophobia. She took on the Brood, then led the team into the Morlock tunnels to fight Callisto, and even though she’s terribly ill (because of Plague), she defeated Callisto and the X-Men left victorious.
Later, Storm was rendered powerless by a weapon Forge built for the government. Henry Gyrich tried to use it on Rogue, but hit Storm by accident. Forge took her to his home to care for her, and the two fell in love. Storm eventually found out that Forge was the one who built the weapon, and they drifted apart. Storm also had an encounter with Dracula, and became his bride (one of my favorite Storm moments)! In the early 90s, the X-Men split into two teams. Storm led the gold team, and was a very strong female presence in the world of the X-Men. Another bout with the Morlocks, her own mini-series, the Age of Apocalypse, and the return of the X-Men and all of the heroes followed. Her next big moment came when she became romantically involved with T’Challa (Black Panther). The two had met when they were youths, and shared a bond ever since. Not long after they started a relationship, T’Challa asked her to marry him, and she accepted. She’s spent the last few years as Queen of Wakanda and also as a part-time X-Man.

Check out my recommended reading list below along with a few of Ororo’s best cover shots. See you next week!
Recommended Reading
Giant Size X-Men #1 (1975)
Essential X-Men vol. 1-5
Black Panther vol. 3-5 – Tpb (2005)
X-Men: Worlds Apart – Tpb

Billy Dunleavy

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Nick

    I love Stormy. Remember when she kicked Cyclop’s ass with no powers.

  2. InfiniteSpeech

    Nick, that was one of the best Storm moments ever! Plus it was just great to see her win over Scott

  3. Billy

    That was a great one!

  4. Jeff

    I have to admit, Storm is one of my least favorite X-Men these days. Claremont did so much with her, but now everything is a retread idea: she’s a thief, she’s claustrophobic, she’s married to T’Challa, blah, blah, blah. It’s time to do something new with her. Perhaps joining the Avengers will do the trick.

  5. InfiniteSpeech

    You think so Jeff? Yet ANOTHER X-Man who is also an Avenger. It seemed to really fit with Beast but now with Logan on the team, oh I’m sorry, TWO Avenger teams and now Storm joining the ranks it’s a bit ridiculous. I hope the reasoning behind it makes sense and T’Challa joins as well.

  6. Billy

    @Jeff- Totally agree. Storm has regressed over the last few years, but I think she’s a strong enough character to come around eventually.
    @Speech- I’m definitely fed up with X-Men being on the Avengers (Spidey & FF too).

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