Kickstarter: Strange Kids Comix Magazine

Kickstarter: Strange Kids Comix Magazine

Launched August 17 and wrapping up on September 16, 2012 (just three more days to go!), SK Comix Magazine aims to parody and pay tribute to the cartoons, comics, and pop culture of the 1980s. This project is specifically to help raise funds for a production run of the third issue of the magazine. Backers may receive digital copies of issues 1-3, print copies of issue 3 (and issue 2), a poster or print, plus some very fun things for higher tier backers. They appear to have just recently met their goal, but more money means larger distribution, so if you’re interested in the project, please go help them out!

From the Kickstarter page:

[SK Comix Magazine is] A comic-based magazine in the spirit of MAD, Heavy Metal and Plop! that celebrates the stranger side of pop culture nostalgia.

The Magazine: Due out in Fall 2012, SK Comix Magazine Issue #3 finds our mascot, Strange Kid, running amok in parodies of your favorite 80s and 90s TV series like HE-MAN, BEETLEJUICE, THE REAL GHOSTBUSTERS, RAINBOW BRITE and many more. It includes retrospectives of shows like Teen Wolf: TAS, Rambo, Toxic Avenger and more. This publication is geared for teens and adult audiences.

The Contributors: STRANGE KID COMIX MAGAZINE #3 features artists from all across the world with a wide range of backgrounds including illustration, animation, painting and design.

Jason Edmiston (Famous Monsters, Horrorhound) is our Featured Cover Artist. Joining him as contributors are:

Matthew Allison (Calamity of Challenge), Drew Rausch (Sullengrey, ELDRITCH!), David DeGrand (Heeby Jeeby Comix, Sweat Soda), Brent Engstrom (Garbage Pail Kids, Topps), James Callahan (Barf Comics, Rotting in Dirtville), Jon David Guerra (Nightmare Pro Wrestling), Kaylie McDougal (Dinogeddon), Aaron Blecha (Zombiekins, Rotten Adventures of Zachary Ruthless), Glen Brogan, John Rozum (Xombi, Super Hero Squad), Nige Ward, Craig Parillo, Brian Adams (Cool & Collected), Paxton Holley (Cavalcade of Awesome), Shawn Robare (Branded in the 80s), Mitch Loidolt, Dan Barrett, Zé Burnay, Tessa Morrison, Brian Typhair, and Nik Holmes.


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