The Fan’s-Zine 8: Spring/Summer 1978
Editor/publisher: J&J Enterprises
Someone was kind enough to send me a pdf of this zine (which I had heard of, but never possessed myself), so I thought I would jump on it and cover it this month. Lots of great artwork by a who’s who of fan artists at that time, so let’s get shaking!
Credits of the text features are a little hard to discern, so keep that in mind. The first actual feature, aside from the editorial, is an article on Sub-mariner, featuring a really nice Carl Taylor piece, inked by Pete Iro of Interfan (the zine is flush with work from Interfan members). Check it out below.

Marvel Comics Comments follows and is adorned with a spot illo by Sal Buscema and “Interfan,” so no clue on the actual inker. A fan awards ballot follows, and then a sequential piece called The Quad Man by (I think) editor Jay Van Bockel (of J&J?), Mark Heike, and John Harris (the other J?). Very early Heike here, folks…and I see at least one Burne Hogarth swipe! See a page below.

A couple pages of fanzine reviews follows, and it is here I want to insert a few of the many nice spot illos sprinkled throughout the zine.

…and before I forget, here is an early piece by one of that talented trio of brothers, Gilbert Hernandez!

Next is a short article on the Marvel comic, Super-Villain Team-Up and then, what must have been a great “get’ by the zine, an interview with the great George Perez (part 2). A super wacky Jack Kirby pin up follows, inked by Willie Blyberg and Sam de la Rosa (who did what?) that you can see below.

A TFN checklist follows (a loose knit fanzine organization that includes some gems as No Sex, Afta, Outer Limits Newsletter, and several more), followed by The Marriage Between Heaven and Hell, which explores real life superheroes of a sort. After a lengthy letters column is Kiss News, embellished by a Gene Simmons illo by a young Rafael Kayanan, seen at left. Fanzine news is next, followed by Illusions, and then Favorites, by Jeff Roberts, which recounts…well, just a few of his favorite things going on in comics at that time! Next is a feature article on Adam Warlock with a nice full page illo by Doug Herring seen below.

Supposedly there is a Daredevil back cover…but the pdf I was sent just has a blank sheet, so maybe this is the new, ninja version of DD? Anyway, that wraps up this nice little zine. Check out the pdf from my site so you can see all the rest of the art, as well as maybe read through a few articles. Thanks to Neil Riehle for sending me the scan of the zine!
Tune in next month for more fanzine sweetness and please leave comments if you have time!
Ken Meyer Jr.
Nice stuff. Thanks for putting it up.
This looks like a fun fanzine. I recognize all the artists here. I would have been happy to read this, back in the day. Thanks for putting these zines up here.
Very welcome, all, and thanks for commenting!