As an enthusiastic X-Men fan and a regular coffee drinker (black, please), I gotta have the Giant Size X-Men Mug over at!
Funny story- I was never really a regular coffee drinker until a couple of months ago, but when I acquired a Bodum French Press, a grinder, and some bags of delicious coffee beans from Starbucks, well, I knew I needed something worthy to hold the enticing brew. Enter and their killer mug, featuring the cover image to 1975’s Giant Size-X-Men #1, which ushered in an all new team of X-Men!

This mug is made out of ceramic, but what sets it above the rest is the style of the print. It’s very high quality and won’t fall victim to getting rubbed or washed off anytime soon. Also, while none of the pictures in this article really capture it well, the print is faded to look like an old comic book, giving this mug more personality than that moody Tinker Bell one above. You can actually see some of it in the images, where the words “Giant-Size X-Men” have scratches in the lettering, depicting a timeless, well read issue. So cool.
The mug is 4″ high, 3.5″ across in diameter, and comfortably holds about 14 oz. of liquid, making it the perfect size for a manly morning beverage. Check out a size comparison to this ridiculous Egyptian wannabe mug that says “Pam”:

Lets see the mug in action, shall we?

As you can clearly see, this Giant-Size X-Men mug is one that can serve all of your coffee drinking needs.
What’s that you say? You don’t drink coffee, nor hot tea? Well my good sir (or madam), there are still plenty of things any comic book fan can do with this magnanimous mug.

Also, any X-Men fan, coffee drinker or no, can appreciate how cool this mug looks displayed next to X-Men stuff- especially Giant-Size X-Men stuff!

So comic book fans, if you’re in need of a new hot liquid holding device, I highly recommend to you this Giant-Size X-Men Mug! It’s only $7.99 over at, and is totally worth it. If X-Men isn’t your thing, the site has a lot of other Superhero Mugs and Glasses worth checking out, featuring all types of characters!
Editor’s Note: has been officially nominated for an Eagle Award! Please click here to vote for us in the “Favorite Comic Book Website” category (question #27). Thank you for your continued support!
Andy Liegl
This item was provided by for review.
What sets the whole thing off is the distressed look of the mug! That little imperfection makes it perfect too bad it had to share the same space as that weird guy in the pics
Friggin’ hilarious. Loved the balcony and looking out the apartment look. By the way, what is it that you are reading there on the couch. It’s not Batman. One would assume X-Men.. my guess is it’s DD.
Instead of bonuses this year, Andy, can you just get us all one of those?
That’s some real important work you appear to be doing there.
Jeff: What’s that? Did you get a bonus ~last~ year? Hm, must of been a slip up somewhere. Will make sure to remedy that.
I don’t even care about a bonus with my robust salary…anyways, there was a dude selling all sorts of rad glasses and what not at NYCC a couple of years ago. Expensive as all get out though.
Great stuff Andy, well… except for the Bills sweat shirt. Definitely love that mug.
@Bats It’s the Iceman & Angel one-shot!