DC Reviews: Green Lantern #50

Publisher: DC Comics
Writer: Geoff Johns
Artist: Doug Mahnke
Cover: Doug Mahnke

“Paralax Rebirth”: Wow. I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough for this one. It’s been a while since I’ve read a single issue that was as stacked as this. Geoff Johns does it again.

We’re dropped into Coast City as it’s being ravaged by a swarm of Black Lanterns, but all the multi-colored crusaders and their newly deputized recruits — Green Lantern and Ganthet, Carol Ferris and Wonder Woman, Sinestro and Scarecrow, Larfleeze and Lex Luthor, Atrocitus and Mera, Indigo One and the Atom, and Saint Walker and the Flash — are all here to whoop some Black Lantern ass.

We see a nice montage of the new members getting used to their new rings  (with Luthor and Scarecrow enjoying their new power a little too much) before Black Lantern Spectre gets his giant mitts on Hal.

The undead Spectre tries his hardest to force a black ring onto Hal’s finger, but Hal is  rescued by his corps mates. Spectre is proving to be an extremely overwhelming threat, especially with the living Spectre trapped inside the chest of his Black Lantern counter part. Sinestro and Hal realize that this threat needs to be dealt with immediately, but the only plausible method may be too extreme — resurrect Paralax.

Sinestro and Hal scuffle over who will attempt to control the demon of fear, ending with Hal opening his heart to the fear and allowing Parallax to consume him.

There is so much action in these 29 pages of story as Geoff Johns does an awesome job of mixing great dialogue and characters with fists and carnage. The pace moves at an alarming speed, but not so quick that you can’t appreciate all that’s going on in this chapter of Blackest Night. Although Johns does do that really annoying thing where he cuts a story off right when your mouth is watering for more.

I was absolutley taken aback by Doug Mahnke’s art. He’s always been a solid story teller, but the guy just elevated his game for this issue. Page after page are beautifully deatailed panels capturing every perfect angle of the giant brawl, and some amazing spreads that are worthy of their own poster that I would proudly flaunt in my living room.

If you aren’t reading Green Lantern, you’re truly missing out on the action comic book blockbuster of the season. This book is just everything comics should be. A compelling narrative that doesn’t stop kicking ass.

Andrew Hurst

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Billy

    Nice review AH. Sounds like BK is really amping up another notch!

  2. Andy

    Yeah, it’s amazing. Period.

  3. Andy

    I also loved Hal’s “Empire Strikes Back” reference!

  4. Billy

    I’m definitely going to pick this story up in trade when it comes out. It sounds like DC has really hit one out of the ballpark with this.

  5. Dakk LastMinuteHero

    i need to get a new copy of 50.. cuz i blew my load all over it …and its rather on the sticky side now. XD

    lol Dakk with the inappropriate comments! YEAH! sorry. >.<
    great review dude! as always.

    SHOOP DA WHOOP!! ]:0<==========

  6. InfiniteSpeech

    For all that power Scarecrow had he flew around like an idiot making bats and birds lol I wonder how these guys are gonna feel after that 24hr time limit is up and the rings go bye bye

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