Hey everyone! There’s a lot of cool stuff coming out this week, and I wanted to take a brief moment to spotlight those items that I’m most pumped for. Hopefully, I can persuade some of you out there to check this cool stuff out when you go to your local comic shop this Wednesday for your weekly haul!
7 Psychopaths #2 (BOOM! Studios)
If you skipped out on #1, you still have time to make up for lost ground. This series is a great World War II story where a group of assassins go on a do or die mission to kill Hitler. Give it a read!
Green Arrow #1 (DC)
When JT Krul and Diogenes Neves first teamed-up on Green Arrow/Black Canary #30, I raved about how awesome of a job they did on that Blackest Night tie-in issue. Well, they’re back now with this new direction for the Emerald Archer, and it’s definitely not something you want to skip on this week! If you’re in the Los Angeles area, stop by Collector’s Paradise on Wednesday and have JT sign your copy!
Joker’s Asylum II: Killer Croc #1 (DC)
This one-shot is written by The Stuff of Legend scribe, Mike Raicht. We interviewed him here on the site a few months ago, and I’m a big supporter of his work. I also thought he did a great job on What If? World War Hulk back in December, so I have high expectations for this one-shot. So far this Joker’s Asylum II run has been pretty mediocre, but with Raicht behind the pen of this issue, you don’t want to pass on this grass.
Power Girl #13 (DC)
This is the first Power Girl issue without the fan favorite team of Amanda Conner (artist) and Jimmy Palmiotti (writer). They’re replaced by Judd Winick (W) and Sami Basri (A), and I expect a lot of fans to not give this one a look in protest of Conner no longer drawing the busty title character. While I agree that Conner nailed PG’s likeness in every way, and that I’m also sad to see her gone, I would still suggest giving this issue a shot. Winick usually spins a good tale, and I’m looking forward to seeing his take on Kara and where he goes with the story.
Sense & Sensibility #2 (Marvel)
I’m not ashamed to admit it: I love Jane Austen’s work and I’m a fan of Victorian Era stories, so this series is a no-brainer for me to read. Issue #1 was fantastic, and anyone who likes this sort of classical social status tale will enjoy this series. The art is great too as it really captures the essence of the characters and is amusing in its cartoony elements.
Jurassic Park: Redemption #1 (IDW)
Dinosaurs are awesome and so is the Jurassic Park franchise. I’m not saying this series is going to strike gold, but the plot sounds interesting to me: Apparently the story focuses on an older Tim and Lex, the kids from the first film, as they revisit their grandfather’s initial concept of the Island. The public is screaming for Jurassic Park to re-open its doors, and with their late grandfather’s inheritance, Tim and Lex decide to do so… ROAR!!
The Killer: Modus VIvendi #3 (Archaia)
The Killer line is crime noir at its best with a European flare. Archaia Studios really puts out quality work and you should give this one a look. Since it’s only issue #3, it shouldn’t be too hard to catch up on the previous installments, and if you like it, be sure to check out The Killer volumes 1 + 2 in hardcover format. They’ll blow you away.
GI Joe Special Missions vol. 1 TPB (IDW)
IDW is reprinting all of the classic Marvel Joe stories and this volume collects issues #1-#7 of the 1986-1989 GI Joe: Special Missions 28 issue series. Herbe Trimpe was the artist for most of the run, with Dave Cockrum helping out here and there. The initial story spins out of GI Joe: A Real American Hero #50, and I’m pumped to put this one on my trade shelf. In case you have forgotten, below is an image of the cover to issue #1 of the series from the late 80s:

The Life and Times of Martha Washington in the Twenty-First Century TPB (Dark Horse)
Frank Miller and Dave Gibbons provide you with 600 pages of stunning artwork and a brilliant story- all for $29.99. The price is a steal considering how big the book is and what the single issues and original HC edition are selling for. This is the first time you can own this story in TPB form, so check out our preview of it here and give it a look this week.
Punisher MAX: Kingpin Premiere HC (Marvel)
Let me be clear when I say I could care less about the Punisher, but I am absolutely loving this run of Punisher MAX. The winning team of Jason Aaron writing (Scalped) and Steve Dillon on pencils (Preacher) can only sway the most skeptical of Frank Castle fans, and they spin the most disturbingly gory story that you can’t look away! If you’ve never been interested in The Punisher before, or are a lifelong fan, or are just fed up with that Franken-Castle BS, check out this collection of the first Punisher MAX story arc (issues #1-#5)- you’ll love it!
The Classic Marvel Figurine Collection + the DC Superhero Figurine Collection Magazine (Eaglemoss)
This week we get some awesome pieces from both the DC and the Marvel Eaglemoss studios: Red Robin, John Stewart, Black Canary, and Jubilee. Check’em out:
I absolute love these things, and in total I have around 70 (pictures will be posted to ComicAttack.net one day), and this week’s new releases look cool as hell! Each figurine comes with a detailed magazine that contains a bio of the character and the DC figures retail at $14 whereas the Marvel figures only cost $12. In total, Marvel has released more than 121 with around 165 slated to be released; DC has released more than 55 with around 85 on the menu to be produced. Also coming out this week are Jocasta, Tigra, Jack of Hearts, and Golden Age Flash.
So there you have it dear readers, some stuff you’ve just gotta have this Wednesday! Which item tops your list?
Andy Liegl
Makes me wish I had a tad bit more income to just get everything lol
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