If you’re like me, you are extremely busy. My calendar is jam packed with meetings, appointments, and places I have to be. Also, if you’re like me, you might tend to lose track of time. So for the practical side of me, I need a clock. But for the Marvel Zombie in me, I need a clock with style. So that’s why I gotta have the Marvel Avengers Glass Clock from SuperHeroStuff.com.
When I saw this thing on Superherostuff.com, I was thinking it was going to be smaller than it is. I usually don’t pay much attention to the dimensions of a product that I want. But this thing is big and awesome! Its got a 14 inch diameter, so it’s really more than a clock — it’s like a big, round, glass Avengers poster!

You may know that about a year ago, I renovated a house and created my own Comic Cave. This clock fits perfectly in the room. I had to move my R.E.M. poster someplace else, but that’s no problem when there’s an awesome clock like this displaying my favorite Marvel characters. Despite this being an Avengers clock, some people may scoff at it since it includes Spider-Man and Wolverine (who are indeed Avengers). I happen to like Spidey and Wolvie on the team, so for me, this is perfect.

It only takes one AA battery to get this thing ticking, and because the clock is glass, it’s shiny and striking when you walk into the room. It sets the whole wall off, and it also gives me the time!

Unfortunately, this particular clock is sold out on SuperHeroStuff.com, but that’s because awesome things usually go fast. However, they have a number of other cool superhero clocks, like Captain America, Spider-Man, Thor, and Hulk. These clocks make such wonderful gifts, so go and pick one up today! At only $21.99, it’s a steal for such a great looking piece of wall art.

Plus, as a bonus, they sent me the Captain America/Thor comic book from Free Comic Book Day 2011! Since I didn’t make it to my LCS on FCBD, I wasn’t able to pick this up, so it was such a great surprise. So not only is SuperHeroStuff.com awesome with all the cool products they sell, but they also treat their customers well!
What can be better than that?
Jeff Jackson
DUDE! Let’s play some SNES and know that it’s time for dinner, or to go home, by looking up at this clock!
I want to hang out in your comic cave!
Looks good! I’m glad it’s the old school artwork too.
Y’all come over and hang out in the cave! You’re always welcome!
I almost picked this up as well!