Hey there Boils and Ghouls. Welcome back to a special installment of the Dark Delights. This month I am diving head first into four books by the Italian GG Studio. So let’s go right into taking a look at A Skeleton Story #1, The One #1, Route Des Maisons Rouges #1, and Mediterranea #1. So please sit back, relax, and give imported European comics a chance!
GG Studio Design was founded in 2004 by the passion of a group of people for the comics and the visual arts in general, and seeks to implement new ideas and projects to the broad field of entertainment. Exploiting cooperation of writers, designers, sculptors, and painters, the Group is mainly engaged in the creation of comic books, Video Games, and advertising. Although currently the GG Studio as a publisher is engaged in the publication of their publishing projects, it remains their intention to maintain their characteristic of factory available to companies who wish to obtain the services of the group.
Issue: A Skeleton Story #1
Plot/Environment: Alessandro Rak
Layout: Alessandro Rak, Andrea Scoppetta
Pencils: Alessandro Rak
Colors: Alessandro Rak, Andrea Scoppetta
English Translation: Andrea Plazzi, Adam McGovern
Letters: Studio Blue
Editor/President: Giuliano Monni
Publisher: GG Studio
Release Date: August 2010
Pages: 28
Price: $2.99
“A Burtonesque noir fairy tale… Will Musil, Burma, Scarlett, Jack, and John are no longer tenants of the world of the living. They’re dead. While each faces their role in the afterlife differently, Will seeks his own redemption in the underworld as a detective, at the service of the ‘Old Lady.’ A wonderful opportunity presents itself one day when two unwanted guests crosses the border between worlds: a little girl and her cat… “
Artwork: 4.5 out of 5
Stunning…that’s really all I can say. When I saw these upcoming books from GG Studio in Previews, all I could think was how great they looked. Now I have had the opportunity to see all 28 pages of this issue, and I am just so content. The cover kinda sells the concept. A fun, playful looking world full of skeletons. Well, it starts off with people, but you know. The colors are the selling point on this one. They are just phenomenal. My eyes are still singing praises for this one, as the artwork just falls into what I look for in a comic.
Story: 4.0 out of 5
Lately all I seem to be asking myself is, how can I get more European comics on my hands? Luckily these modern gems are starting to be allowed into our American comic routine. So blah, blah, blah, right? Wrong, this book can be at times different, but it’s only because we are not used to this style of storytelling. Basically, to try to sum this concept up, it’s different and it works. It is not all-out horror, as a matter of fact it’s low on horror, just monsters as the cast, but it builds into this fun mystery over 28 pages. A great story is in the works here with some nice dialog work, so a tip of the hat to the translators as well.
Dying Breath: 4.5 out of 5
Flat out great artwork and a fun mysterious story make this one a great grab. I can see people passing on it saying it looks too childish, but I have to say that it is anything but. The story builds nicely as it goes along, and I know I will be on hand to enjoy it as it does. I know these imported stories may not appeal to most, but I say give one a chance. They are different and very well done. I cannot wait for more.
If you would like to buy or know more about A Skeleton Story #1, you can find it at http://ggstudiodesign.com/
Issue: The One #1
Plot/Environment: Giuliano Monni
Story/Co-Plot: Davide Rigamonti
Pencils: Pasquale Qualano
Colors: Alessia Norera, Andrea Erriro
Letters: Studio Blue
Editor/President: Giuliano Monni
Publisher: GG Studio
Release Date: August 2010
Pages: 28
Price: $2.99
“After an era of great peace the thirst for power is rising once more and it’s a thirst that can only be quenched with blood. War is looming once more in this grim and gritty fantasy tale, and with everything on the line, four heroes – Faras, Haggarth, Omir and Masdin – begin their dire quest for the glimmer of hope known as ‘The One,’ a legendary sword that lies waiting for the great battle to come!“
Artwork: 4.5 out of 5
Oh man, you have got be kidding me. This is the second GG Studio book I am reviewing and it is just Gore-geous all around. The character designs are great, the shading is awesome, and the coloring is a step above the rest. All together they combine to present one great looking book that I could stare at for hours, or is that just the female lead Faras I could stare at?
Story: 3.5 out of 5
So I am not a huge fan of the Lord of the Rings or Knights and sword fighting style fantasy stories. The only one that really got me interested was the Warlands book series. That being said, I did have a mindset going into this book. I liked the story that was presented, but there were a few instances where the wording kind of threw me off. Trust me, I know it is meant to fit the setting, like the way Thor speaks, but it’s kind of off-putting to me. Other than the minor dialog issues, I found the issue to be intriguing, and the plot is interesting enough for me to want to stay on board and see it played out.
Dying Breath: 4.0 out of 5
I’m two for two when it comes to these new imported comics from GG Studio (two more to go). The artwork in this issue surpassed the writing, but like I mentioned, I did carry a certain mindset into the story that may sway the way I think. However, there is some good action and a fun developing story line that make this a compelling book. I always ask you readers to take a step away from the mainstream books and maybe give something new a try. So by all means, if you think this sounds good to you, make sure to get your hands on a copy.
If you would like to buy or know more about The One #1, you can find it at http://ggstudiodesign.com/
Issue: Route Des Maisons Rouges #1
Plot/Environment: Giuliano Monni
Story: Giuliano Monni
Pencils: Vincenzo Cucca
Colors: Barbara Ciardo
English Translation: Andrea Plazzi, Adam McGovern
Letters: Studio Blue
Editor/President: Giuliano Monni
Publisher: GG Studio
Release Date: August 2010
Pages: 28
Price: $2.99
“The first part of the four issue Italian sensation, Route is the sexy and surreal satire set in a fantasy Parisian neighborhood that’s quite crowded with five brothels competing for control. The tenants are hot and hot-headed, and are caught up in in a five-way battle to make their maison the most powerful of all. Yet it’s all fun and games until the slimy mayor enters the picture… and then the girls might have found a common enemy big enough for them to forget their differences and work together.“
Artwork: 4.5 out of 5
Stand up and shout! Three for three on the amazing artwork from our friends at GG Studio in Italy. The world of Route Des Maisons Rouges is a gore-geous one, that borders on the line of a mature cartoon you would see on TV. To me it was one of those books that when I go to remember what happened, it actually plays itself out as a cartoon in my head. The art works well with the story, in that it is as playful and humorous as what is written. However, please note that this is a mature book. Nudity is not found, but look at the cover and expect to see what you think you will.
Story: 4.0 out of 5
Like I touched on at the end of the art section, make sure that cartoon style book stays in the hands of adults. The subject matter is on the mature side of things, but going from page 1 to page 28 I was presented with a book that made me laugh, while still staying intrigued by the story line. The jokes translate very well, and I applaud the translators for the overall great job that they did. The issue reads great and ends on a high note, making me know I will have to grab issue #2 to find out what is coming next.
Dying Breath: 4.0 out of 5
So I won’t dive into my whole imported comics rock routine, but they really do. This is the third great book in a row by the Italian publisher, and I just want everyone, of age, to take a look at this. I know that the American audience may initially dismiss the book based on the cover or the subject matter, but within these pages lies a lot of fun that is told to us by a different culture in regards to morals and what is acceptable subject matter. This book never crosses the line of an ADULT XXX comic, so it can appeal to most who are willing to take a chance. So once again, looking for something new? A fan of Skydoll, Daffodil, Heavy Metal, or just something different in comics? Give this one a try; I highly enjoyed it and I hope you do too.
If you would like to buy or know more about Route Des Maisons Rouges #1, you can find it at http://ggstudiodesign.com/
Issue: Mediterranea #1
Plot/Environment: Giuliano Monni
Story: Alessandro Cenni
Pencils: Gianluca Maconi
Colors: Alessia Nocera, Barbara Ciardo
Flats: Pierluigi Abbondanza
English Translation: Andrea Plazzi, Adam McGovern
Letters: Studio Blue
Editor/President: Giuliano Monni
Publisher: GG Studio
Release Date: August 2010
Pages: 28
Price: $2.99
“An epic fantasy set in an ancient Greek ‘techno-Byzantine,’ Mediterranea is menaced by a mysterious swarm. Winged creatures from the east threaten the peace of this kingdom, slaughtering anything that comes between them and their goal. Alonisso’s nightmares seem to be connected to these mysterious enemies, but not even the wise Auraki seems to know how. “
Artwork: 4.0 out of 5
Is it sad to say that a book this good looking was, in my opinion, the worst looking one of the four released this week? Once again, great pencils work paves the way for amazing colors. Just a great look to this book that is a joy for the eyes on every page. The only downside I really had, was the cover. I honestly found it a little misleading, and it is why I read this book last. I thought it had a water world style story to tell, and it kinda put me off, but the interiors really look great.
Story: 4.0 out of 5
So like I mentioned about the cover, I expected something I didn’t get here. Instead I was treated to a really interesting story. It was kind of like a tale of fate, that really jumped into high gear at the end. So a good suspenseful ending leads me to want more, more, and more! Great translations again, as the story is a great read.
Dying Breath: 4.0 out of 5
They did it, ladies and germs, GG STUDIO went four for four in impressing me! This one ranked third on my list of the four, but to each his own. Great art and a really fun story make way for a good comic here, with a fantastic action ending that makes me want more now! So check it out already!
If you would like to buy or know more about Mediterranea #1, you can find it at http://ggstudiodesign.com/
So how do I rank them in the end?
1. A Skeleton Story
2. Route Des Maisons Rouge
3. Mediterranea
4. The One
They were all fantastic issues that spread across all genres, except superhero. So there is something for everyone! Give them a try and you might find something new to add to your pull.
Decapitated Dan
I actually ordered The One and just haven’t picked it up from my LCS yet. Good to know that it’ll be a worth while read! thanks Dan!
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Skeleton and The One sound good. The artwork for RDMR looks the best though.
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