Top Cow Reivews: Death Vigil #3

Top Cow Reivews: Death Vigil #3

DV3Death Vigil #3
Publisher: Top Cow
Writer: Stjepan Sejic
Artist: Stjepan Sejic
Cover: Stjepan Sejic

Death Vigil just gets better with each issue, and though it’s only been a short time, it’s quickly becoming a must have title. This supernatural tale dives deeper into Clara’s assimilation with the Death Vigil and learning how to use her Veilripper – a weapon of the Vigil that is unique to its wielder. However, hers ends up being a quill, and aside from drawing some really cool air doodles she doesn’t know how to use it. So she sets out asking the other members, which results in the same answer – that she’ll have to find out for herself. With these interactions, Sejic takes the time to flesh out the other characters with great dialogue that put you in the “family” mindset instead of a “team.” Each member has a certain charm that makes them stand out, and it’s great that Sejic is also developing that as well as providing some great action sequences to drool over.

A few more villains are introduced in the story, as well as an ally to the Vigil, with some dark humor and plenty of death. This is where we get a little more information about the motives of the bad guys, and how the events in the first issue might be a bit more important than what we realized.

Sejic makes sure that the visual storytelling is as strong as his writing here with fantastic creature designs and great panel movement. His use of the entire page is welcome, and as the story becomes more intense so do his panel arrangements, which just put it over the top! For example, his introduction of Mia, which is one of the highlights of the issue and the most unexpected!

Death Vigil is supernatural greatness and another shining light of creator owned titles in the industry. If you haven’t given it a look then I’d suggest getting on board now and see what all the fuss is about!

Infinite Speech

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