Welcome to ComicAttack.net Radio’s comic book news podcast, The Comics Dispatch! Every Monday join Andy Liegl & Royce D’Orazio, plus a special guest, as they talk about the latest industry announcements and PR.
Download “The Comics Dispatch” #18
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This week’s interview is Fantastic Four Season One and upcoming Ultimate Comics Spider-Man artist, David Marquez! Tune in as Andy & Royce discuss the passings of Ralph McQuarrie & Sheldon Moldoff, the upcoming Moriarty musical, Batman Annual #1, homophobic moms and Archie Comics, the new Marvel CCG, the newly released Avengers movie trailer, and more! Discuss the topics of this show in our forums!
Check out a preview of David Marquez’s Ultimate Comics Spider-Man:
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Intro Music by The Coral, outro by SongeLeReveur.
Andy Liegl
Marquez has been pretty damn good w/ Nelson Blake II on Magdalena and from the looks of these preview pages I’m hoping he’s around for more than just one arc. Hell, if the rotating artists are him and Sara I’d be cool with that!
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