Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Writer/Artist: Lucas Marangon
Buy it! Buy it! Buy it!
That’s really all I want to write in this review because of how much I am enjoying this title: pick this mini-series up. Coming out today is the stellar second issue of Lucas Marangon’s super swank sci-fi mini-series Hellcyon. The art: fantastic. The writing: engaging. If you love sci-fi or you love stories that involve giant robots used for war, like Gundam or Macross, then this mini-series is the bee’s knees for you, reader.
Issue #2 continues the tale, excitingly picking up where we last left off, as things on the colony of Halcyon are getting much worse. The powers that be are searching for our rebels, and after some heavy yet awesome action sequences occur, our heroes go into hiding to prep for what shall be the big battle; and Nika gets closer to learning more about his parents’ past and what has led him back to the colony.
Marangon plus giant robot battle sequences have stolen my heart. Honestly, I thought no one could do them properly outside of Japan where they’ve mastered the art of giant-robo-warring. Marangon has proven this theory wrong and has delivered top notch action sequences that have left me wanting more. The writing in this issue continues steadily as characters begin to flesh out more, and we get events and background story in the development of this mini-space opera.
Final thoughts: you just cannot miss this book. Out on stands today: pick it up.
Drew McCabe
Sounds cool man! I dig the cover art.
Its good, damn good. It gives me this nostalgic feel for all these shows I use to watch about space wars where they’d fight with giant robots, and as mentioned it works perfectly, probably the first time anyone outside of the land of the rising sun, has actually done this type of story the right way.
I couldn’t agree with you more! This reminds me of old Heinlein, (Podakayne of Mars, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress) the art is amazing and the story just plain rocks. Two books into this series and I’m a big fan.
Yeah, this is must read Sci-Fi…
Definitely agree with Andy about the cover.
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