Decapitated Dan’s Dark Delights May 2010

Hey there Boils and Ghouls. Welcome back to another installment of the Dark Delights. This month we dive into the dungeon of reviews and take a look at Echoes of Dawn #1, The Littlest Zombie #1, Zombie Tramp #2, Suicide Note OGN, Strangeways: Murder Moon OGN and Deadworld: Frozen Over Mini-Series.

Issue: Echoes of Dawn #1
Z.M. Thomas
Pencils: Cliff Richards
Colors: Mike Bartollo
Letters: Zach Matheny
Trepidation Comics
Release Date:
Jan 2010

“Echoes of Dawn follows Ethan’s terrifying journey into the city of Eastport, where he is met with the ghosts of the past who help him unravel the dirty secrets tied with the Deray name.”

Artwork: 4.0 out of 5.0
This is a great looking issue. The character designs are really nice and very realistic. They stay nice and consistent throughout the issue. The coloring is spot on and adds a nice photo like quality to the pages. The artwork is easily the highlight of this issue.

Story: 3.0 out of 5.0
So what works here really well is the dialogue. The interactions are great, and like the art, are very realistic. For a first issue though I found myself a little more confused than I would have liked. I think there is a nice plot started, but I didn’t think enough of it was covered. A great introduction to the cast was given, but that in depth look that leads you to want to know more was lacking a little. However it was not enough to make me not want to know more, because there is one creepy element to this book that I want to see played out!

Dying Breath: 3.5 out of 5.0
While the artwork is strong the story can’t keep up in the first issue. Some great plot points were laid, but not enough structural support was really added to hook me after one issue. However the creepy factor is working for this book, as I find myself intrigued to see where it is heading. Great looking art and a strange twisted plot seem to be on the horizon for this one so consider me on board for more.

If you would like to buy or know more about Echoes of Dawn #1 please check out


Issue: The Littlest Zombie #1
Story & Art:
Fred Perry
Publisher: Antarctic Press
Release Date: March 2010

“In the madness of the Zombie Apocalypse, amid the throngs of living dead and terrified victims, the littlest zombie roams. He’s just an inquisitive chap filled with curiosity about the world on fire around him. Pushed around by his fellow undead (who always get to the brains first), and positively frowned upon by the remaining living citizens, the poor little guy just wants a friend. And maybe something to chew on. Like your face.

Artwork: 4.0 out of 5
FUN FUN FUN!!! This issues looks like nothing but fun! When I first read the Littlest Zombie short in A Very Zombie Christmas I knew that this was a great looking character. This issue just builds on what the universe looks like, and shows us some more gore. All around what I expected to see. Make it known that it is Anime/Manga style artwork so it may not appeal to everyone, but it appeals to me.

Story: 3.5 out of 5
Just like the art, the story is right on pace for a great time. If it had one draw back though, it would be that I wanted more focus on our main character. It kinda felt like a split between the “food” and our little buddy, however all it does is add to the story and nothing is lost. Fun dialogue as you witness his struggles to survive in a world of larger zombies, and a great secondary story with the victims.

Dying Breath: 4.0 out of 5
I got two great ways to sum this one up. First Casper meets the Walking Dead, it’s just that playful and serious all in one. Second, oh I lost it, no wait what was it I said above? Oh yeah, FUN, FUN, FUN! I knew when I read that short in A Very Zombie Christmas that I wanted more and they gave it to me. So guess what Mr. Perry, I WANT MORE!! Give me a mini or a quarterly, give me something! I like serious zombie books as much as everyone else, but when you can pull off a fun little adventure like this one, it just makes me want more and more. So for those of you looking for a fun little book to pick up this is it.

If you would like to know more about or purchase a copy of The Littlest Zombie #1 please go to


Issue: Zombie Tramp #2
Dan Mendoza
Artist & Colors: Dan Mendoza
Release Date:
March 2010

“Janey Belle is on her path for revenge, for those who are responsible for her death. with a little help from the Zombie Queen, who has a common enemy.

Artwork: 4.0 out of 5
Ooh lala look at what we have here! Some zombie eye candy, lol. Other than the obvious this is just a fun great looking book. Much like issue #1 the character designs are great from page to page. There is a really nice gore factor to this issue too. One thing that I highly enjoy is the use of black, white and red. From start to finish this is a great looking issue and I am a big fan of Mendoza’s art.

Story: 3.5 out of 5
So I did not go back and reread issue #1 before diving into this issue and it might have helped out a little bit. I mean it has been a little while since #1 was put out. However this issue is pretty good on being able to bridge the gap. Maybe an intro page would have been nice to recap. Other than that though the dialogue is fun and really moves the story along great.

Dying Breath: 4.0 out of 5
Action Packed Sexy Zombie Good Times is what this book should have printed on the cover. You’re not going to get some masterpiece book, but you are going to have a good time enjoying this one. The artwork is great, and yes that is besides just looking at the ladies. The story is entertaining and overall that is what I want in a comic. So consider me a fan of this book and I know I can’t wait to hopefully see this in trade form someday soon.

If you would like to know more about or purchase a copy of Zombie Tramp #2 please go to


Issue: Suicide Note
Jamison Kasian
Pencils: Dwayne Biddix
Inks: Rob Lansley
Letters: Brant Fowler
Colors: Anthony Lee
Hard Way Studios
Release Date:
January 2010

“Cassie receives a strange anonymous suicide note and after reading it she begins a downward slide from a sane and controlled world into a world of twisted nightmarish images, a mysterious man who guides her along the dark path, and a pulling in her mind, to take her life and escape the nightmare. But, if she doesn’t give into to the leading of the note to kill herself she must wonder a shadow world, forever unable to die.

Artwork: 3.5 out of 5.0
This is a pretty good looking book. I was a big fan of the artwork not overpowering the story line here, but more just for the visual presence. I felt that Biddix’s style was kind of on the same level as Gabriel Rodriquez and in my book, that’s pretty good. However there were some panels where the characters felt flat, and just had no depth to them. The colors were done well and helped carry the tone of the story nicely.

Story: 4.5 out of 5.0
Now this is a rare type of story to come by. Not just in the sense of subject matter, but as a psychological horror book that is done right and works. I think that this is a branch of the horror genre we need more of and I applaud Kasian for succeeding. What you get in these pages is a great start to grab you, then as if it were a tower of bricks, one layer is placed on top of the next, leading to the climactic finish. There is a lot of story to be had here in only 72 pages, so get your reading glasses ready.

Dying Breath: 4.0 out of 5.0
Good artwork mixed with a great story gives this one a great recommendation from me. Like I touched on, this is a genre not really played with too much in comics and it works very well here. I almost thought I had it all figured out towards the end, but I was sent looking in another direction, and it’s what had me hooked. A great read that should be a part of your horror collection.

If you would like to buy or know more about Suicide Note please check out


Issue: Strangeways: Murder Moon
Matt Maxwell
Luis Guaragna, Gervasio and Jok, Steve Lieber, Guy Davis, Fabio Moon, Gabriel Ba
Letters: Matt Maxwell
Highway 62 Press
Release Date:

“It’s 1868, and former army officer Seth Collins seeks to escape the horrors of the Civil War by traveling the frontier. Answering an urgent letter from his estranged sister, Collins finds himself under attack by a strange creature that is neither man nor wolf. When his friend and partner Webster is accused of being the beast, Collins must track down the real threat. But which will kill him first: the Wolf, or the secret that the sheriff of Silver Hand is trying to keep buried?

Artwork 4.5 out of 5.0
This is a book I like to look at. There are two stories here, one longer than the other, and both are a nice treat on the eyes. The gallery at the end of the book is just the same. While the two main artists have different styles, they both deliver a great looking graphic novel. I like the way Guaragna did the main story here. He does some great detail work up close but then when the scene called for a further back view, he did a great job of blurring things and giving them less detail. Oh yeah, it’s also done in glorious black and white and it could not have looked any better.

Story: 4.5 out of 5.0
So great artwork runs on every page but what about the story? It’s one hell of a thrill ride from start to finish! I like the mix here of western and werewolf. It was a great way to tie in the idea of where the wolves come from. The dialogue is good and has the right mix of dialect from then and now. It is what really sells the time period. Overall it is just done right from beginning to end.

Dying Breath: 4.5 out of 5.0
We need to give this book its own unique genre. How about a “Werestern”. This book works on all levels and I don’t think much more could have been done to improve on it. The artists were a perfect fit and I have to say I want more, NOW! If you like your cowboys and monsters mixing it up, this is the book for you, and everyone else for that matter. Read Strangeways.

If you would like to buy or know more about Strangeways: Murder Moon please check out


Issue: Deadworld: Frozen Over Mini-Series (1-4)
Mike Raicht
Federico Dallocchio, Rafael Ortiz
Letters: Nate Pride, Bernie Lee
Dalibor Talajic, Sebastian Camagajevac
Joe Pruett
Desperado Publishing
Release Date:
24 (each)
$3.99 (each)

“With the streets of New York still snowed in, our survivors attempt to find a way out of the city before the thaw comes. But not only are they dealing with the harsh weather and the thousands of zombies still wandering the streets of New York, they also are going to have to deal with the baddest zombie of them all – King Zombie! But why is the King searching for Kolin Fleet and his band? And what deal did the King strike with the terrifying zombie known as the Giant in order to find them?

Mike Raicht, known for his work with Marvel Zombies as well as Savage Tales unleashes this mini-series set in the Deadworld as action moves to New York.. Introducing a new cast of characters, this mini series is the perfect time for new readers to find out more about one of the longest running zombie series in comic history, Deadworld, with nearly 60 issues published.

Artwork 4.5 out of 5.0
This series is a pleasure to look at. Like other Deadworld series’ this one ran into some art delays, but you have almost four solid issues of brilliant work by Dallocchio. He does an amazing job on the cast and his King Zombie is down right Gore-geous. Like I mentioned though, the delay for the book came in the art department so issue #4 has some pages by Rafael Ortiz, who just came in and did an amazing job. His style is close enough to Dallocchio’s that if you’re not going to care about the shift. He was the right choice. This is just black and white gold in terms of the art.

Story: 4.5 out of 5.0
I think more people need to start taking notice of Mike Raicht in terms of horror, because he just killed this story. It’s great to see that this mini was put into his hands because this story is just spot on from start to finish. He did a great job of really continuing on the humor of King Zombie while giving me a solid read. There was also much more depth created here, because we’re not focusing on the typical Deadworld cast; we get to see what happens in New York too, and that just opens this universe up to so much more. So allow me to say, Mike I want to see Deadworld: Hollywood Hills next. Get started!

Dying Breath: 4.5 out of 5.0
Almost 3 years in the making and we just got handed issue #4. For me it was a treat to be able to go back and reread the first three issues, because this story has been on point from the start. You’re treated to amazing artwork, starting with the covers and ending with the last page of the interiors. There really is some secret reason why Deadworld has been around as long as it has and I will let you in on it: Stories like this one bring greatness to the often overcrowded zombie genre, and Deadworld should be near the top of all your zombie related collections. Read this series in the issues or when it’s collected in trade form, you will not be disappointed and that is a DD guarantee.

If you would like to buy or know more about Deadworld: Frozen Over please check out


Decapitated Dan

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Billy

    Strangeways and Deadworld look cool.

  2. Andy

    Way to give props to Mike Raicht. That guy knows how to spin a tale!

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