Today on DC’s blog, The Source, Alex Segura posted information regarding the debate to return Wonder Woman to its original numbering in order to commemorate the 600th issue. For those of you just tuning in, Dan DiDio agreed to do this on one condition. He asked fans to mail in 600 postcards expressing their want for this to happen. As of today, the tally has been totaled at 175.
I’m not a reader of Wonder Woman so I won’t be mailing in a postcard. But if all you fans want this to happen, then hit the post office with those postcards and let DiDio know what you think!
Update: For those of you wanting to send a postcard, here is the address:
NEW YORK NY 10019-5905
Jordan West
DC hater alert! I say cancel her series altogether.
I think they should return to the original numbering but I wont waste the stamp.
Marvel’s been doing this lately, too. It’s such a pain. I say leave it alone. Going to the original numbering isn’t going to affect my feelings for the book in any way; it’s just going to confuse people later on.
I could care either way.
I’m tired of all this changing around with numbering. For crying out loud, pick one method and stick to it! Maybe I should send a postcard saying that?!?
These numbering games are silly. The POINT of having issue #600 is that it represents one long, continuous run. When the series has been cancelled twice, the first time ending a nearly 50-year run as one of only a handful titles to survive uninterrupted from the Golden Age and the second time to end a ten-year run that began with the best reboot of any of DC’s characters post-Crisis, it’s better just to maintain the current numbering. Jumping directly to #600 is meaningless and cheapens the credit due the titles who have actually made the milestone, as Marvel’s showing with their arbitrary release of #600s every other week — heck, Deadpool’s going to jump directly to #900 soon!
DC also needs to make up their minds on the new Adventure Comics title; the dual numbering doesn’t work!