Publisher: Dark Horse
Writer: Ricardo Delgado
Artist: Ricardo Delgado
Colorist: Jim Campbell
I had the pleasure of receiving an advanced copy of Age of Reptiles: The Journey #3 (of 4), and it didn’t disappoint one bit. First, for anyone that hasn’t picked up the first two issues of this series, you’re really missing out. Ricardo Delgado has a really unique style that he has applied to this book, and even the non-dinosaur fan can appreciate it. I, for one, didn’t really think that much about Dinosaurs as a kid, but luckily for me I was blessed with a son and he LOVES them. When I saw this book was coming out I had to get it for him. A side effect was that I also think this book is very good. Although it doesn’t contain words (duh, Dinosaurs can’t talk), the panels are very raw and have a real-life feeling to them.
The story revolves around a herd of Dinosaurs that are quite literally making a journey across several different terrains. The biggest obstacle in this issue is Sarcosuchus (pronounced- Sar-co-su-kus). This giant crocodile is huge in comparison to today’s crocs and alligators, and when a pack of them sees the herd trying to cross a river, well, you can guess what happens next. Did somebody ring the dinner bell?
We also get to see a T-Rex devour a smaller Dino as well, which is quite a treat. Let me just say that if you don’t like Dinosaurs or comics without words, you still can be entertained by this book. Obviously people who are into Dinos are really excited about ig, but I really enjoyed it and can’t wait to see if the herd can make it to their next destination alive! Luckily I have my son telling me which Dinosaur is called what. Ankylosaurus, Pterasaurs, you name it, he knows it. I think he has somewhere upwards of 50 books on this subject (mostly all reference books for adults). If you have an itch for an adventure from a lost time, then I suggest buying Age of Reptiles: The Journey today!
Billy Dunleavy
Man, I don’t know what you’re talking about. When I watched The Land Before Time as a kid, all those dinosaurs were talking.
Sounds like you’ve got a future archaeologist or paleontologist on your hands!
Weren’t there also Dino super heroes in the 80s? I forgot the name of that cartoon but they talked as well…I’m sorry Billy but I don’t know what ficticious realm you live where the Dinosaurs don’t talk but you need a huge dose of reality my friend! lol
This sounds like a pretty good read as I still have an interest in the age old reptiles and my daughter likes them too so that’s cool. Might have to grab this in trade form later on.
I don’t remember dino-heroes but I do remember the comic book ‘Dinosaur For Hire’.
Sounds like a great read, a few similarities to the manga ‘Gon’ with the no-speaking-all-word-driven thing plus dinos being the main character.
@Kris-Yeah, a future Paleontologist. He dreams of it, and I hope his dreams come true one day.
@Speech-Don’t tell my son but I was surprised at how entertaining it was. lol
@Drew-I’ve seen some of those issues (Dino’s for hire) and they looked funny. I’ve also seen “Cadillacs and Dinosaurs” which looked pretty ridiculous. I really want to get the first 2 series of Age of Reptiles from the 90’s though.
I’m with you Billy- this series is great! It’s originality and story telling technique is wonderful. And the covers!
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