Cosplayer Spotlight: Alice Malice

Happy Halloween weekend everybody, and welcome back to an all new Cosplayer Spotlight! This time we feature the super cool Alice Malice of Tampa, FL!

COMIC ATTACK: How did you realize you had a passion for cosplay, and what got you into the lifestyle?

ALICE MALICE: I was told that sci-fi conventions were a lot of fun, and absolutely fell in love.  The first con I ever went to was Megacon, in just a Xena T-shirt and jeans, and knew it wasn’t quite right.  And since then I’ve been addicted!

CA: Who was the first character you cosplayed as? What characters have you cosplayed as since?

AM: Alice from the first Resident Evil movie. I’ve done a bunch since. Some anime, but mostly comic book these days. My fandom has also changed mostly to that as well.

CA: How long have you been cosplaying?

AM: Since oh….2001 or 2002 I think.

CA: What costumes are you most proud of?

AM: Actually I think the one I’m most proud of is my Selene the Black Queen.  The character rarely gets love, and I put a lot of work into making it.  Any costume I don’t like really doesn’t get seen much on the internet.

CA: What characters do you plan to take on in the future?

AM: Of course more comic book characters, I have a list about a mile long. The ones I’m working on currently are The White Queen and Ms. Marvel. But I really want to do Wonder Woman. I think that’s going to be a big project as a cosplay and er..workout inspiration!

CA: What Cons have you attended in costume? Plan on attending any more this year?

AM: Megacon, Dragoncon, Metrocon, Anime Festival Orlando, Anime Express, FX, and the Tampa Comic Book and Toy convention.  I am thinking about going to the Tampa Comic Book and Toy convention this year and possibly Shadocon.

CA: Do you make all of your costumes? If so, how long do they take to complete? If not, where do you obtain them?

AM: It depends on the cosplay.  In my opinion a great cosplay doesn’t have to be completely hand made, or even by yourself.  But most of the time I sew my own costumes, and buy what I can.  They can take a long time to make, depending on my budget and their difficulty.  I always have about 5 or so costumes in some progress or another.  I obtain them all through the thrift stores, mall, or the internet.

CA: While in costume, have you ever met any of the creators whose characters you were portraying? What was their reaction(s)?

AM: I met Joseph Linsnser, the creator for Dawn.  This wasn’t for one of the contests, but I was ushered over to meet him and he was such a doll and was just full of compliments.

CA: What comics do you currently read? What are some of your all time favorites?

AM: Most of the titles I read are X-Men, admittedly. But I read a lot of marvel and some DC titles.  My favorite comic book stories of all time are The Dark Knight Returns, Joss Whedon’s run on Astonishing X-Men. But there are a bunch of others I hold dear.

CA: Who are your favorite characters?

AM: Favorite female character in Marvel is Emma Frost, male would be Wolverine; female in DC I’d say is Poison Ivy, and male, Batman.

CA: When out of costume, what do you do in “real life?”

AM: I’m a graphic designer.

CA: How do you feel cosplay is received by comic book fans?

AM: Most of the time they are very excited about cosplays, its a great visual reminder that someone else is a fan of the same character as you.  As a comic book fan myself I love gushing over other cosplayers, and if they have a moment, have a quick chat about some aspect of the character.

CA: Have you ever had any awkward experiences with fanboys or girls while in costume? Any horror stories you can share?

AM: Oh I’ve had a bunch.   As Rogue I had one guy try to touch me to see if my powers worked.  But these days most fanboys and girls behave.  I can look quite cross when I want to *laughs*

CA: On the flip side, what are some of your most memorable cosplay moments?

AM: I think I actually have the most fun in cosplay at my local comic book shop for their parties, and the reactions you get from kids. Every cosplayer should go to Chuck E Cheese at some point in costume.

CA: How do your family, friends, and co workers respond to your love of cosplay? What do they think of your costumes?

AM: My family is quite used to how unusual I am, so it came as little surprise to them.  Most of my friends cosplay as well and only encourage me more.  And my co-workers think it’s cute.

Cover to NYX #4

CA: Besides comics, what are some of your other interests and hobbies?

AM: Video games, drawing, modeling, photography.

CA: Do you have a fan page or website?

AM: I have a Facebook fanpage!

CA: Any parting words about cosplay or comics in general?

AM: I have a special place in my heart for the two Cs.  But I really wish people would relax about both things a bit.  They are meant to be fun, don’t let it control you and remember you are a fan for a reason! And cosplayers, do me a favor and be a fan of your character and we are square, okay?

Stay tuned to for more Cosplay salutes. To check out previous editions of Coaplyer Spotlight, click here!

Andy Liegl

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Billy

    I don’t know if I should be aroused or scared. 😀

  2. Warp_Phil

    As a Trekker, extra points for portraying, with excellence, an Orion female! (never looked into it but hope they are not all slaves)

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