Action Comics #991 (DC)
NickZ: When the current darkness of our world is too much to bare even for Superman.
Astonisher #2 ( Lion Forge)
Infinite Speech: Not sure if I’m liking Magnus yet but I’m sticking with this title a bit longer to find out because it’s crazy fun!
Batman Lost #1 (DC)
Arnab: Grandpa Bruce with his granddaughter was adorable.
NickZ: Did Barbathos just do the unthinkable and break the Batman’s will? I cannot believe it!
Eric: Snyder plays with the Dark Knight’s story in a creepy trip down memory lane.
Detective Comics #968 (DC)
Arnab: All this talk about Conner… I hope he’s coming back.
NickZ: It will be interesting to see what affect this visit from the Ghost of Christmas Future will have on Tim Drake in the days ahead.
Eric: Tim Drake of the future proves he’s a capable Batman but can he save the Bat Family of the past?
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #32 (DC)
NickZ: Despite his best efforts, Hal Jordan is never better than Bruce Wayne. (Even an alternate, evil Bruce Wayne.)
Injection #15 (Image)
NickZ: Now that was f***ing insane! Brigid is the perfect mix of bad ass and bat-shit crazy and I love her for it!
Kid Lobotomy #2 (Black Crown)
Infinite Speech: I have NO IDEA what to expect from this series but Milligan & Fowler are making sure I come back!
Master of Kung Fu #126 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Shang Chi is the martial artist we deserve and he deserves some good stories. Hope this one lasts.
Mister Miracle #4 (DC)
Infinite Speech: This is one of the best books to come out in 2017!
NickZ: With each new issue, I love this book even more! Scott and Barda have never been better! Tom King and Mitch Gerads are comic book gods!
Moon Knight #188 (Marvel)
NickZ: Starting a series without the lead character being featured in the first issue is bold but Bemis and Burrows pulled it off amazingly! I can’t wait to see what more they are able to accomplish with this series!
Ragman #2 (DC)
Infinite Speech: Miranda’s art puts this over and adds a slight horror element that has me hooked right now.
Spirits of Vengeance #2 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: How do you make a comic with all of these cool character less than good, Marvel? How?
Titans #17 (DC)
Arnab: So there wasn’t really a traitor… Oh well, as long as Wally is fine.
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #26 (Marvel)
NickZ: I defy you to read Squirrel Girl’s “Zine” issue and not find it delightful and hilarious! I mean, beloved Garfield creator Jim Davis does a Galactus comic strip for heavens sake!
Uncanny Avengers #29 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Zub is consistently killing it on my favorite team book right now!
NickZ: Poor Quicksilver, he always gets the short end of the stick.
Venom #157 (Marvel)
NickZ: They are really turning Venom into an even more dynamic character, I can’t wait to see where this goes.
X-Men Gold #5 (Marvel)
NickZ: This Mojo story is fun and all but if you are going to do a crossover using both X-Men teams, it needs to be more than just fun.