Hello, and welcome to Cosplayer Spotlight! Today I would love to bring your attention to a cosplayer named J. Lance! He’s a relative new comer to the cosplay scene, but his works are quite stunning. He was nice enough to answer some questions about life as a cosplayer.
ComicAttack: Tell us a little about who you are in life, and what you do with your time?
J. Lance: My name is J. Lance Moose, I am a gamer (former world record holder), clothing designer, sports addict, and all around nerd. I watch more TV than should be legal for one human being not living in their parents’ basement. When I’m not thinking of new costumes to create, I have a sports talk radio show called “Final Buzzer” on the “Cazador Radio Network”. I can out debate any sports fan, but don’t let my sports fandom fool you, I’m your typical loner nerd who was a late bloomer and still have a tendency to be socially awkward.
CA: What was it that got you hooked as a fan?
JL: I have always been more of a TV/Movie/Gamer nerd rather than a comic book fan. Being the artistic type I never had time to read comic books as a kid, I was more likely drawing or creating things while X-Men or Batman was on the TV in the background. Even today I never “read the book” before seeing a movie since I’m more of a visual person. When someone suggests a character that I may be interested in, I’ll watch the show they are in or read up online before actually picking up a comic book.
CA: Which Cons have you attended in character? Which do you think is the most appealing for cosplayers?
JL: I have attended Wondercon, San Diego Comic-con, Wizard World, Megacon, and Comikaze in costume. All have their pros and cons for cosplayers attending, but I loved seeing all the cosplayers congregating out front of the Anaheim convention center each day at Wondercon this year.
CA: Ever had any awkward encounters with fanboys or fangirls while in costume?
JL: One of the first girls to ever like my fan page became a fan after I went to a My Little Pony art event in Hollywood. I later saw her at Comikaze and of course I recognized her because she was one of my first fans when I had almost none. When I first saw her at Comikaze I was actually out of costume, but she still recognized me. She was stopped dead in her tracks with her friends and INSTANTLY started acting shy and sheepish and hid behind her friends. I walked over and said hi, but all she could do was awkwardly look away and continue to hide behind her friends. The next day I saw her again, and one of her friends asked for a picture with me (in scarecrow). I was a bit surprised when my fangirl was the one taking the picture, and afterwards just awkwardly bowed to me and mumbled something before shuffling away. It was adorable.
CA: Do you make all of your costumes?
JL: I do make all of my costumes. On occasion I may ask a friend with some help on a piece of my costume or may ask for advice or tips on how to make something, but 99% of what you see me wearing is either made or modified by me. Having gone to fashion design school helped me to be able to make my own costumes. Some people don’t believe that I make all my own stuff when they see the quality of my work and hear that I’ve only been cosplaying for a year, but that design experience was just wasting away until I started cosplaying.
JL: The best experience I’ve had in costume has more to do with the people that I encounter or the friends I cosplay with. Hanging out at a convention with friends is always fun, but when people want pictures with you, it just makes it a little more awesome. I’ve had people of all ages come up to me and ask for a picture with me while in costume. I’ve had people tell me that my stuff is “the best I’ve seen at this con” or specifically “the best scarecrow I’ve ever seen!!”.
CA: If you could portray any character, regardless of cost or logistics in creating the costume, who would it be? Why?
JL: There are many costumes I would like to attempt, but above all I would love to make a 100% screen accurate version of Loki’s costume in The Avengers. The construction of that costume is so complex and every detail would be a joy to create. I’ve also been told that I resemble Tom Hiddleston at times and he could be my doppelganger, so that’s just a little more incentive.
JL: Since The Walking Dead is over for this season, I don’t have anything that I HAVE to watch each week, though I’ve been watching the newest eps of Archer and am waiting for the next season of South Park to air. I’d love to get my hands on a copy of Hellsing so I can study up on Alucard for when I make his costume.

CA: What cons are you planning to hit in the following year?
CA: You’re off to save the day; what dinosaur do you ride in on and why?
JL: Do you remember Dino Riders????? Pretty much ANY of those dinosaurs I think I’m good with riding in on.
There you have it folks! I want to thank Lance for taking some time out to talk with me. I hope you folks like his stuff and make sure to Like his Facebook page and spread any pictures you take of him on the next con floor you see him!
Alexander Bustos