Flashpoint: Kid Flash Lost #1
Writer: Sterling Gates
Artists: Oliver Nome and Trevor Scott
Cover Artists: Francis Manapul and Brian Buccalleto
Publisher: DC
For an event titled Flashpoint, there has been a glaring lack of anyone who has held the title Flash, other than Barry, of course. Last seen being attacked by Hot Pursuit in The Flash, Bart finds himself trapped in one of Brainiac’s pods living out a moment in which Barry rejects him. He is able to break out of his pod and avoid being caught by Brainiac before he is rescued by a female Hot Pursuit. As the two discuss what is going on in the world, Bart realizes that if he doesn’t get his speed back he’ll end up being erased from existence.
Ever since Barry’s return, the rest of the Flash family has been absent, which is unfortunate as I find Barry to be the most uninspired of the group. This mini-series gives Bart a chance to shine on his own for the first time since his short-lived role as the Flash back in ’06/’07. From the very beginning of the issue the stage was set for a fast paced issue, even though Bart no longer had powers. Story wise, I think it’s a very interesting concept to see how Bart handles life outside the fast lane. It’s also a great chance for the writer to incorporate Bart’s immense intellect, which I feel isn’t always utilized. This mini-series is directly connected to the last arc in the Flash series, though it is unclear if this will have any impact on the main Flashpoint series. Overall I thought the story was strong, while the art was just fine. 4/5 – AP
Flashpoint: Lois Land and the Resistance #1
Writers: Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning
Artist: Eddie Nunez
Cover Artists: Eddie Nunez, Sandra Hope, Hifi
I went into this one not really knowing what to expect, despite how Abnett and Lanning’s Wonder Woman Flashpoint tie-in was really solid. Still, I was skeptical. Luckily, D & A come through for us again, delivering a fast paced issue that’s lots of exposition, but told in a way that isn’t obvious nor taxing. Basically, through the death of Jimmy Olsen, Lois Lane has joined Cyborg’s resistance against Wonder Woman and Aquaman…but mostly Wonder Woman. She has successfully infiltrated the Amazonian fortress, gathering intel for Cyborg. Problem is, she’s about to become one of many human women to be experimented upon to gain Amazonian powers, in order to join their ranks. She doesn’t want that, but when an escape is attempted, she’s thwarted by Artemis and…Hawkgirl? Correction, Amazonian Hawkgirl! I like it. At first Eddie Nunez’s art wasn’t doing it for me. That cover is one of the worst of this event yet. Etrigan nor the Canterbury Cricket had absolutely nothing to do with this issue. However, Nunez does an excellent job on the interiors. His style reminds me of Khary Randolph of BOOM’s Starborn series, which is expressive and colorful. He also draws beautiful women, an essential element when dealing with Amazonians, and his environments look great too. This issue isn’t essential, but if you’re looking to add another Flashpoint tie-in to your reading pile, feel good about checking out this one. 4/5 – AL
Flashpoint: Reverse Flash #1
Writer: Scott Kolins
Artist: Joel Gomez
Cover Artists: Ardian Syaf, Vicente Cifuentes, and Kyle Ritter
Publisher: DC
So throughout all of Flashpoint we have all been under the impression that Eobard Thawne has been behind it all. Well, if you expected any answers in Reverse Flash, look further! No seriously, no answers here, folks. Reverse Flash is basically a refresher as to what the motives are behind Eobard’s hate toward Barry Allen. Thawne took many measures in taking Barry down, and we see them all here. Also, there is a good look at how powerful Thawne has become, with his mastery over the Speed Force. Scott Kolins is a Flash writing/drawing veteran. He has been around the Flash for many years and has been a part of many great stories. This just doesn’t happen to be one of them. It’s not like Kolins told a really bad story here. It wasn’t choppy, fast paced, or even out of character, just a little uninspired and quite obvious. We have been given hints about Thawne’s motives, and Kolins pretty much sums it all up in this one issue. Joel Gomez’s art isn’t my favorite out there, either. It is a bit too cartoony (I know, a comic reader calling something cartoony may seem weird), but it’s hard to explain otherwise. There are some really well done panels, like when Barry is hit by the lightning. But in general, it didn’t have the right feel for a story about Eobard Thawne. Like I said before, this isn’t a bad story by any means. Kolins knows how to write Thawne, and Gomez has a style that I’m sure some enjoy. The direction that this story is taking doesn’t really show that it will have a lot of importance, which is weird considering who the main character is. If it becomes more relevant to Flashpoint, it will definitely turn around, but right now Reverse Flash needs to be struck by lightning. 2.5/5 – MP

Writer: James Robinson
Artist: Javi Fernandez
Cover Artist: Kevin Nolan
Publisher: DC
This issue takes place during the events of Flashpoint #1, as it shows what The Outsider was up to during the meeting. We begin with an opening sequence of how he came to be and the destruction that soon followed. When I say “destruction,” I mean the total annihilation of all life within a three mile radius that wiped his home off the map leaving him the sole survivor. We shift back to the present and find out that during the meeting where mostly everyone showed up as holograms, there was an attempt on The Outsider’s life. This attack is led by The Rising Sun with Mr. and Mrs. Terriffic right behind him ready to kill everyone in the room to get to The Outsider. We also find out he is responsible for framing them and having them jailed, so there’s a reason why they’re pissed off at this guy. I will say that I liked The Outsider from the glimpse of him we recieved in Flashpoint #1, and Robinson did very well on expanding on that. He’s a very intelligent character who seems to have amassed a fortune that helps pay for his protection, but he’s pretty powerful when he has to get his hands dirty. He’s not a nice guy and doesn’t apologize for any of his actions as long as his needs are met. And if you value your life, please don’t mess up this guy’s suit. Fernandez does well with the artwork and it actually gets better as the story progresses, especially during the attack on The Outsider and the last few pages. Robinson does leave us with a bit of a cliffhanger as we find out that the attackers were sent by a third party to kill The Outsider, and now he’s wondering who. I’m pretty sure that’s a very long list and I’m hoping the next two issues deliver on the action and story as well as this issue here! 3.5/5 – IS
Flashpoint: Grodd of War #1
Writer: Sean Ryan
Artist: Ig Guara
Cover Artists: Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato
Publisher: DC
You know the age old tale of the man (or gorilla) who has everything, but still wants more? Enter: Gorilla Grodd. In Grodd of War, Grodd has taken over the entire continent of Africa, yet still yearns for more action, power, and excitement. We are given a look at the life that Grodd has established for himself, with his own primate army, and an entire continent to himself. We also get to see some of the inner turmoil that plagues Grodd. Sean Ryan really shows us what kind of mean mother——- Grodd really is. From how he treats his own followers, to how he treats his slaves, to how he deals with insurgents, Ryan really takes badass to a new level. The unique part is how Ryan also dealt with how Grodd feels
on the inside. That nasty layer on the outside really contains a different perspective on the inside. Ig Guara’s pencils were a nice compliment to the storytelling here, although it was not always consistent. The landscape and feel of Africa was really well done, but from panel to panel the gorillas were too varied. I don’t even mean different gorillas, either. Some panels, Guara manages to pull off this amazing looking image of Grodd on his throne or chewing on a carcass, and in others particular limbs were too big or awkward looking. I can’t imagine it’s easy to draw a good gorilla, though, so it didn’t take too much away. It was fun seeing the inner feelings of Grodd, not so much through inner dialog, but more through actions. There was a bit of a feeling of this being a setup for a much bigger story (which it is), but this kind of took away from the read itself. 3.5/5 – MP
Booster Gold #45
Writer: Dan Jurgens
Artists: Dan Jurgens and Norm Rapmund
Cover Artists: Dan Jurgens and Norm Rapmund
Publisher: DC
We were left, last issue, with Booster Gold in a strange new world, having been attacked by the U.S. Military, thinking he was an Atlantean operative, and now standing face-to-face with Doomsday! A violent battle ensues! We find out that Doomsday is being used as a weapon, being remotely controlled by General Nathaniel Adam (Captain Atom?!).
The fight spills into a woman’s home, and Booster Gold swoops her up and flies her to safety. After Booster calms her down and convinces her that he is not a bad guy, we find out that the woman is a Greek heiress. If she is a somebody in the “normal” DCU, this reveal is lost on me. Booster does some quick research on the internet and finds out that the world he returned to is all kinds of wack! He leaves for Gotham City. When he leaves, we find out that his new friend has powers of her own and that her father was killed by Aquaman. Before Booster gets too far, the military spots him again and drops Doomsday out of an airplane. The woman sees this and tries to lend Booster a hand by attacking the airplane, which shorts out the computer systems, and General Nathaniel Adam no longer is in control of Doomsday. Oops.
This issue wasn’t near as awesome as last issue, but there’s no question that it is still a fun story. It is still one of the best Flashpoint tie-ins. 3.5/5 – AW
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Arnab Pradhan
Andy Liegl
Mike Parente
Infinite Speech
Aron White
I only read the Lois Lane and Reverse Flash Flashpoint tie-ins this week and I tought they were both pretty good. I loved Gomez’s art in RF, I thought it work great for the story.