Crisis of Infinite Reviews 03/30/16

Crisis of Infinite Reviews 03/30/16

aquaman 50Aquaman #50
Writer: Dan Abnett
Artists: Brett Booth, Norm Rapmund, and Andrew Dalhouse
Cover Artists: Brett Booth, Norm Rapmund, and Andrew Dalhouse
Publisher: DC

For whatever reason, probably just to take your money, this issue was released with extra pages. Luckily, however, your extra money has not gone to waste, as this is actually a nicely executed one-shot story. With Atlantean-Human relations at a near all time low, Aquaman’s plan to open up a base to freely share knowledge between cultures is a smart and calculative measure. Even smarter is putting Mera, aka Aquawoman, in charge and making her the face of the operation. Mera has played a significant role in reviving Aquaman’s career and popularity in recent years. Not only does she ground and balance Aquaman, but she’s also proven herself to be ridiculously powerful and tremendously competent in battle. This book is a nice focus to the series, which has floundered a bit in the past couple of months. 4/5

b&r eternal 26Batman and Robin Eternal #26
Writers: James Tynion IV and Scott Snyder
Artists: Carlo Pagulayan, Igor Vitorino, Wayne Faucher, Michael Paz, Marc Deering, Allen Passalaqua, and Gabe Eltaeb
Cover Artists: Tony Daniels and Tomeu Morey
Publisher: DC

If this series is any indication of how well DC’s bi-weekly books are going to fare, then things aren’t looking so good. With a years worth of planning, probably even longer, you would think it wouldn’t be so hard to nail down a single artist for the series finale. Not to mention this series has struggled with consistency and being overly tedious. If this book were called “Cassandra and Harper”, this finale would have been perfect, seeing as pretty much everything revolved around these two. On the flip side, this issue had four Robins take on an old woman, and not even come out the winner. There were good moments in the book, Midnighter and Cullen come to mind yet again, the bat family being a family again is always nice, however, these moments are lost in the overall chaos of the series. 3/5

Be sure to check out previous editions of Crisis of Infinite Reviews by clicking here!

Arnab Pradhan

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