BOOM! Studios Previews: Chip ‘N’ Dale Rescue Rangers #1

BOOM! Studios is usurping my inner child with their kids’ line of comics. About 5 months ago they released Darkwing Duck #1, and now Chip ‘N’ Dale Rescue Rangers is getting the sequential treatment! The title will be an ongoing series written by DW scribe, Ian Brill, with art by Marvel Superhero Squad’s, Leonel Castellani. Check out a preview and cover gallery of #1:

“Ch-ch-ch-Chip ‘N’ Dale Rescue Rangers!”

Ok, I admit: I’m currently reading Darkwing Duck and I cannot wait to give this series a shot. I used to watch the cartoon all the time (as a kid, of course…), and who could ever forget the catchy theme song?

C ‘N’ D was also one of the few NES games I owned and completed through to the end. And it was awesome. I have a vivid memory of playing that game; a level that was in a toy factory with teddy bears in the background. My mom asked me in the middle of a challenging part, “Do the teddy bears come to life?” and with my little 7 year old or whatever attitude, fully immersed in the game and not welcoming the distraction, snapped back with a “No!” What a brat! Oh, and I usually played as Chip.

This series will actually be the fourth volume of Chip ‘N’ Dale comics. The first ran from 1955-1962 for 27 issues and was published by Dell. I actually own a few of these when my mom picked them up for me at garage sales. Yeah, she’s pretty cool.

The second series was published by Gold Key and lasted 83 issues from 1967-1984! I have some of these as well.

The last series of Chip ‘N’ Dale to be published until this new one from BOOM!, was in 1990 by Disney. It was called Chip ‘N’ Dale Rescue Rangers, and was based off of the cartoon series. It had a short life span of only 19 issues, ending in 1991. Yes, I have some of these babies too, but they’re in far worse shape than the other one’s. Like most kids, I was too young to care about the condition of my comics.

I love’em.

BOOM!’s Chip ‘N’ Dale Rescue Rangers #1 is shipping this December, so keep your eyes peeled! Oh, and for something super weird, check out this Russian cult that worships Gadget Hackwrench. Yeah, it’s bizarre.

For more on BOOM! Studios, click here. For more kids’ stuff, visit this link!

Andy Liegl

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Aron

    YES! This is going to be so awesome! And Darkwing Duck is awesome! And I saw that Duck Tales was featured in Uncle Scrooge Comics!

  2. Princess Powerful

    *__* Full of want!

    I’m going soo buy it. ^_^ I <3 Rescue Rangers.

  3. Esham

    How long till Tale spin comics? That was the best of the bunch! (and the 90s comics were awesome too)

  4. InfiniteSpeech

    I agree with Esham! Tale Spin was one of my favs 🙂 Duck Tales still has the best theme song though

  5. Keith Tucker

    Chip & Dale was one of my favorite shows and comics to work on. Two of the covers shown here are ones that I penciled, issues 7 & 8. I drew several others as well.they’re up on my website at The animated show was fun to work on during those days when tv animation had bigger budgets and we had more time to create a well thought out show.

  6. Andy

    Hey Keith, thanks for commenting!

    Holy crap man, I loved your work as a kid. Issues #7 & #8 both vividly stick out in my mind as some of my favorite childhood comic books. I still have them too, hence why I chose those two covers to show off here!

    Dude, how weird is it that your work had such an influence on me at the tender age of 7 that I would eventually write a blog about it, and still be into comics as an adult?

    And I scoped out your website- do you have a direct link to the original art?

  7. Keith Tucker

    Andy, thanks man. No the link to the original art is in the Disney Vaults. I hope you checked out my Disney comic covers web gallery, under comedy comic books, click on the Disney cover galery, and it will play all the Diz work I did ( with theme song music ), from Roger Rabitt, Goofy, Mickey and of course Chip & Dale. Those were fun to do.

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