Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 09/02/2015

Age of Apocalypse #3 (Marvel)
NickZ: This issue illustrates why Apocalypse is my favorite villain. He proves time and time again that he gives zero f**** about anything except survival of the fittest!

Angel & Faith #18 (Dark Horse)
NickZ: Fred and Faith take on Drusilla! What more do you need to know?

Batman: Detective Comics #44 (DC)
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. A relatively tame end to what had the potential for a strong Bullock-led story arc.
NickZ: This series works because they realize that Bullock, Montoya, Julia, and Gordon are more interesting than the adventures of this new Batman.

Batman Beyond #4 (DC)
NickZ: I am loving Tim Drake as the new Batman but that being said, things seem to just be getting bleaker and bleaker for the future.

Bat-Mite #4 (DC)thors 4
Martin: 3/5 stars. I applaud DC’s all ages effort with this comic, but so far this is the weakest issue of the 6-issue mini-series.
NickZ: Am I the only one who liked the Black Gold costume better than Booster’s regular one?

Book of Death: Fall of Bloodshot #1 (Valiant)
Infinite Speech: Another solid tie in to Book of Death

Dark Corridor #2 (Image)
Martin: 3/5 stars. Basically, this is a cartoony hyper-violent 70’s action movie in comic form. It’s not bad, but a little 1-note.

Deadpool vs Thanos #1 (Marvel)
NickZ: This was both as ridiculous and not as ridiculous as you would expect

Future Imperfect #5 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Not the ending I expected but a damn good one from Peter David!

Groot #4 (Marvel)
NickZ: I am loving this book more and more. It is simply a fun read and has great little easter eggs like Baby Groot doing his best sewer Wolverine impression from Uncanny X-Men #132.

House of M #2 (Marvel)
NickZ: Things get real cray real fast as Magneto is betrayed and attacked by everyone and their mama!

Imperium #8 (Valiant)
Infinite Speech: Divinity vs Harada did NOT disappoint thanks to this creative team! Make mine Valiant!

Jem and the Holograms #6 (IDW)
Infinite Speech: Another issue with great art and a solid story that takes what was old and makes it new and fun all over again!

Lazarus #19 (Image)
Martin: 4/5 stars. An exploration of the “boots on the ground” characters with some fantastic panel layouts and colors.

Midnighter #4 (DC)
Arnab: Dick Grayson and Midnight make an amazing team. 
NickZ: Pretty sure the only reason Dick Grayson was in this issue was for the naked sauna room fight scene.

Mockingbird: S.H.I.E.L.D. 50th Anniversary #1 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: I came for Joelle Jones but stayed for everything else! Even the back-up story was great!

Plutona #1 (Image)plutona 1
In a single issue, Jeff Lemire, Emi Lenox, and Jordie Bellaire accomplish what other books struggle to do in a year. They’ve created a new universe where the characters have individuality, personality, and they actually act like kids.
Martin: 4/5 stars. Lemire joins the recent crop of school-age kid adventure books, but nails the tone, w/ fun stylish Lenox art.
NickZ: Jeff Lemire and Emi Lenox have created an amazing series! One issue in and I am already in love with everyone of these characters! I cannot wait to see what happens next!

Rachel Rising #36 (Abstract)
Infinite Speech: If Moore isn’t careful Zoe is going to steal the show every time she’s in an issue.

Silk #7 (Marvel)
NickZ: This issue has the most bittersweet end of the world scene ever!

Spider-Island #3 (Marvel)
NickZ: I am digging these superhero/monster mash-ups so much! Iron Goblin is my favorite version of Tony Stark ever!

Star-Lord and Kitty Pryde #3 (Marvel)
NickZ: This was a very cute series but I still can’t get behind the Peter Quill and Kitty Pryde relationship.

Thors #3 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: That was a treacherous turn I didn’t see coming. Good thing the Unworthy was there for back-up!
NickZ: Thors is unequivocally the best Secret Wars book out there and it only gets better with each new issue!

Toil and Trouble #1 (Archaia)
Infinite Speech: Macbeth is a favorite of mine so there was no way I was missing out on this twist on the classic!

We Stand on Guard #3 (Image)
Infinite Speech: That torture scene was just brutal. A great example of “less is more” right there.
Martin: 4/5 stars. Skroce’s futuristic designs look incredible. Hoping for Vaughan to start developing the characters more.
NickZ: Watching McFadden’s torture was…well…torturous!

The Woods #16 (Boom!)
NickZ: The scope and insanity of this book just got turnt up to 11!

X-0 Manowar #40 (Valiant)
Infinite Speech: Venditti and Sandoval keep the tension past 10 in this issue but I hope that last panel doesn’t come true!

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