3 Guns #2 (BOOM!)
Infinite Speech: Why didn’t I read 2 Guns because I’m really liking this series so far!
Action Comics #23.2 (DC)
Martin: Greg Pak delivers one of the best Villain’s Month stories to date. His Zod is downright SCARY.
Archer & Armstrong #13 (Valiant)
Infinite Speech: See what happens when a girl “joins” the group? This is still Valiant’s 10/10 title!
Jeff: Valiant has done a great job in selecting artists for this book. Perez is a perfect compliment to Henry and Luppachino.
Astonishing X-Men #67 (Marvel)
Jeff: This one’s circlin’ the drain.
Astro City #4 (DC)
Martin: This series continues to impress with interesting looks at “non-hero” people in a world of super-powered people.
Avengers Arena #15 (Marvel)
Jeff: Another solid issue but Walker’s art felt a little rushed.
Brain Boy #1 (Dark Horse)
Infinite Speech: My new favorite telepath is Matt Price thanks to Van Lente!
Fearless Defenders #9 (Marvel)
Dr. Bustos: I liked that the big battle was going on while an attempted intervention was awaiting.
The Flash #23.2 (DC)
Arnab: Anyone else getting a creepy vibe off of Danny?
Ghosted #3 (Image)
Infinite Speech: So I guess you’re screwed regardless of what time of day you’re in the house.
Hit List #1 (Zenescope)
Infinite Speech: Not bad at all. Definitely worth a look.
Indestructible Hulk #13 (Marvel)
Jeff: Ok, time to get Hulk back to regular time. This is overly confusing and boring.
Infinity: The Hunt #1 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Our Contest of Champions is a LOT better than the mess in these pages here.
Kings Watch #1 (Dynamite)
Martin: A promising beginning to a fun series with the Phantom, Flash Gordon, & Mandrake in a modern setting.
Locke & Key: Alpha #1 (IDW)
Infinite Speech: NOOOOOOOO!!!!
Jeff: We knew it was going to be big and emotional, but my God, can Hill and Rodriguez yank your heartstrings!
The Manhattan Projects #14 (Image)
Arnab: Who knew a team of geniuses could be taken down so easily.
Dr. Bustos: Things went sour for the team real fast.
Mighty Avengers #1 (Marvel)
Dr. Bustos: I’m really excited for this book, I love Luke Cage and the rest of this team.
Infinite Speech: Very solid story but it seems like Land has one photo reference for every race.
Rachel Rising #19 (Abstract Studio)
Infinite Speech: Did NOT see that one coming! Another great issue from Terry Moore!
Jeff: A big reveal at the end of this issue made me cheer!
Robocop: Last Stand #2 (BOOM!)
Infinite Speech: WTF? Did ED-209 just navigate a flight of steps???
Sidekick #2 (Image)
Martin: I actually liked this issue a bit better than the 1st one until I realized that nothing happens until the last page.
Street Fighter Origins: Akuma (Udon Entertainment)
Infinite Speech: This book hits harder than Akuma’s Raging Demon move! Fantastic work from Sarracini and Ng!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Villain MicroSeries: Hun (IDW)
Infinite Speech: Looks like Casey’s dad just made a deal w/ the devil to be a better dad. Yeah, because that ALWAYS works out in the end!
The Walking Dead #114 (Image)
Arnab: Somedays I think Rick would make a cool leader. Other days, I feel like he should just take Carl, Andrea, and Michonne and ditch those other losers. It’s the zombie apocalypse, ain’t nobody got time for them.
Jeff: I don’t know what was cooler, seeing Jesus kung-fu his way through the Saviors or that tiger pouncing on them!
Watson & Holmes #3 (Paradigm Studios)
Infinite Speech: You want a book that excels in storytelling and artwork? Pick this one up now!
X-Men #5 (Marvel)
Arnab: I always liked that Rachel Grey. And let’s not forget the real idiot in this mess, Beast. #TeamCyclops
Dr. Bustos: Crossover events are hard enough to follow without adding in the element of time travel, I did like seeing old and young X-members, though. Princess Powerful!
Infinite Speech: Looks like young Scott & Jean have another mutant power. The ability to spread their stupidity to others.
Jeff: Shout out to Laura Martin whose colors really helped Lopez’s artwork.