Age of Apocalypse #2 (Marvel)
Arnab: This is one of the only X-Men tie-in books that I’m actually enjoying reading.
Infinite Speech: This is one of the few times I’m interested in what happens to Cypher.
NickZ: I loved Doug’s perspective on the X-Men, humans, and Apocalypse. This is a very cool series and the art is great!
Airboy #3 (Image)
NickZ: One of the most original and greatly executed comic premises in a long time. I don’t want it to end at issue four!
The Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows #3 (Marvel)
NickZ: Slott and Kubert have Peter explore what “power and responsibility” means to a father in a very dangerous world.
American Vampire Second Cycle #9 (Vertigo)
Arnab: Hot damn, that’s Gus! And he’s all grown up!
Angel & Faith #17 (Dark Horse)
NickZ: Faith and Fred go undercover in a high school as a PE teacher and lunch lady, respectively. What else do you need to know?
Artemis IX #1 (Top Cow)
Infinite Speech: Great companion issues to the main series!
Batman Beyond #3 (DC)
NickZ: Tim Drake and Brother Eye play a game of cat and mouse, man vs. machine.
Batman: Detective Comics #43 (DC)
Arnab: This team kinda bores me. I mean, they were minimally interesting before Gordon became Batman and nothing’s really changed.
NickZ: Team Batman doesn’t seem to be doing too great. With stolen power supplies, dirty cops, and now a Jokerbot, can anything go right for these guys?
Bat-Mite #3 (DC)
NickZ: The two most annoying characters in the Bat-family team-up! Oh joy!
Bloodshot #5 (Valiant)
Infinite Speech: I’ve been impatiently waiting for this issue and was NOT let down! Bloodsquirt fo life!
Civil War #2 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Storm needs to be like this ALL THE TIME!
Darth Vader #8 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: If you’re buying only one Star Wars title this needs to be it!
NickZ: This series is turning Vader into an abused teacher that no one respects, who just takes the abuse, instead of the bad ass Sith Lord we know him to be.
Deadly Class #15 (Image)
NickZ: Deadly Class is just fantastic on every level. Marcus is a hot mess and things don’t seem to be getting any brighter for him.
Giant-Sized Little Marvel AvX #3 (Marvel)
NickZ: This book is pure candy! It’s fun, sweet, and makes you happy!
Groot #3 (Marvel)
NickZ: Groot teams-up with the Silver Surfer and everyone learns something new, like an after school special.
Imperium #7 (Valiant)
Infinite Speech: Divinity shows up so how can you not pick this up?!
Infinity Gauntlet #3 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: This Secret Wars tie-in has to be my favorite for all the right reasons! Great art, story, characters, and a Nova dog!
Jirni #1 (Aspen)
Infinite Speech: So glad this series is back and I’m along for the ride.
Kaptara #4 (Image)
NickZ: I don’t think there is any comic book out there that is more bat-shit crazy than Kaptara and that is both a shame and a blessing.
Outcast #11 (Image)
NickZ: This issue was an emotional punch to the gut and then THAT ending happened!
Sex #23 (Image)
NickZ: A lot of build up in this one, but not much actually happens.
Spider-Island #2 (Marvel)
NickZ: I never read the original Spider-Island, but I am loving this book so far. The Iron Goblin is amazing.
Ultimate End #4 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Well, that was pretty boring except for the rooftop fight.
We Stand on Guard #2 (Image)
Infinite Speech: It’s like Canadian Red Dawn and the US are the invaders! So glad I dropped that one title to get this one!
NickZ: Even better than the first issue! Only Brian K. Vaughan could get me to root for Canada over America.
The Wicked + The Divine #13 (Image)
Arnab: Holy shit that is awesome storytelling right there.
NickZ: Pulp culture and social media are at the forefront of this story and never has anything been this horrifyingly accurate.
The Woods #15 (Boom!)
NickZ: So many twist and turns. This series would make for a great TV show!