Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 01/13/16

all new xmen 3 All-New X-Men #3 (Marvel)
Arnab: What’s with all the anti-Cyclops sentiment from little Cyclops? Move along little dude, not everyone grows up to be the savior of the mutant race.
Infinite Speech: Nope. Not sticking around for this anymore.

All-New, All-Different Avengers #3 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Everything was going well until Vision got all creepy with Nova. Sticking around to see how this plays out!

Assassins Creed #4 (Titan)
Infinite Speech: Nice twist and plenty of action keeps this an awesome extension of the game!

Batman & Robin Eternal #15 (DC)
Arnab: I still have no idea what Azrael and St. Dumas have to do with anything.
Infinite Speech: Got halfway through and just couldn’t finish it….I’m done.
Martin: 3/5 stars. The whole sequence with Tim “infiltrating” the secret city of St. Dumas was totally unbelievable.

Batman/Superman #28 (DC)
Arnab: After reading this, remind me again why anyone though Gordon-Batman was a good idea?
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. A new writer and new story-arc featuring the “real” versions of Bats & Supes. A good, solid start.

Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #2 (DC/IDW)
Arnab: Holy Cowabunga Batman! Not gonna lie, this crossover is all kinds of fun.
Infinite Speech: I know it’s only January but I’ll say it: Best. Crossover. This. Year.

Captain America: Sam Wilson #5 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: A new Falcon and Misty Knight pretty much steals the show again!

Death-Defying Doctor Mirage: Second Lives #2 (Valiant)
Infinite Speech: Van Meter & De La Torre are telling an exciting story that feels like it should be bigger than only four issues! I want more already!power rangers 0

Extraordinary X-Men #5 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: The only things I don’t like about this title are Jean Grey and Storm’s outfit. Everything else is pretty damn great.

Huck #3 (Image)
Martin: 4/5 stars. Millar’s take on a “realistic” Superman story continues to have some really great, touching moments with fantastic art.

InseXts #2 (Aftershock)
Infinite Speech: Another issue where great art and intense story are in sync to make for a comic that you should be reading!

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #0 (BOOM!)
Infinite Speech: A great look at what’s to come in the series and it looks pretty morphin good so far!

Mighty Thor #3 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: A lot of people doubted this direction for the character and it’s been one of the best things to happen in a while!

Ninjak #11 (Valiant)
Infinite Speech: We find out what happened to the previous team…oh Shadowman, how far we have fallen.

Red Sonja #1 (Dynamite)
Infinite Speech: I’m here for Marguerite Bennett’s take on the character and I’m liking the new outfit. Great jumping on point for new and old fans alike.

Robin War #2 (DC)
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. This sets up an intriguing premise, & also shows Duke growing as a character. But too many different art styles!

Starfire #8 (DC)walking dead 150
Martin: 4/5 stars. Continues to be a breath of fresh air amid all the doom & gloom of other DC books, with a fun style of art & writing

Superman: American Alien #3 (DC)
Martin: 5/5 stars. I am loving this book so far. A fun story with some really hilarious moments, & a great epilogue.

Uncanny Avengers #4 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: I like these characters but not as a team yet. So I’m basically just here for Cable.

The Walking Dead #150 (Image)
Arnab: I seriously hope this doesn’t become Teen Mom: Zombie Edition. #useprotection

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