Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 05/02/12

Action Comics #9 (DC)
Dr. Bustos: Superman of Earth 23 is so much more interesting than ours, he should have his own series, I’d read it. A+
Infinite Speech: For every Black character DC does well they usually have something as craptacular as this creep up. Thanks Morrison for “Nubia”. What a effin’ moron.

Age of Apocalypse #3 (Marvel)
Jeff: The best non-X-Men X-Men book on the stands!
Infinite Speech: The Incredible Thing?? Really? Other than that ridiculous moniker the book is still pretty strong!

Amazing Spider-Man #685 (Marvel)
Decapitated Dan: This is how a hero comic should be done. Such a high entertainment value that I have to recommend it.
Infinite Speech: This title REFUSES to be subpar on any level! The creative team is constantly delivering issue after issue!
Jeff: My only issue with this story is that the X-Men, the FF, and the Defenders are off-planet for some reason and with all the other heroes that don’t fall into those teams, Slott chooses some real stinkers.

Animal Man #9 (DC)
Decapitated Dan:
Hmmm…. LOVE EVERY SECOND of this issue, but the ending, really? I think there are too many crossovers happening in the DCU books I read. I mean I love Constantine, but I don’t know about him here, just yet. Kisses to Pugh and Lemire.
Dr. Bustos: A hellish landscape with a wonderful teaser at the end for what’s to come. A
Jeff: I’m officially done with this book. This Rot stuff is just dragging on forever.
Andy: Just as good as ever, but I wish it would crossover with Swamp Thing already. B+

Avengelyne #8 (Image)
Decapitated Dan: Very entertaining, but I think it would read better in collections rather than singles. I am on board for more though, gotta see what the Face of Death has in store.

Avengers vs. X-Men #3 (Marvel)
Arnab: I never thought there’d be a day when I agreed with Iron Man, but the dude’s right, Cap has lost it. B
Boy, Marvel is certainly f-ing this one up. This might be as bad as Fear Itself!
Infinite Speech: For some reason I see Wolverine doing something to piss off both teams! Great Cap vs Logan fight though!

Batman: Detective Comics #9 (DC)
Arnab: It was a smart choice to have this issue follow the narrative of Jeremiah Arkham. B+

Batwing #9 (DC)
Dr. Bustos: The Court of Owls has grown on me and I like watching Batwing have to take them on. Also loved the armor talk at the beginning. A
Infinite Speech: Why are sales so low on this awesome book! Winick keeps giving fans awesome stories and the Bat family is dope!

The Defenders #6 (Marvel)
Dr. Bustos: This reads more like another issue of Immortal Iron Fist, which is fine by me. A+

Dial H #1 (DC)
Decapitated Dan:
I didn’t expect that, but it had everything I could have ever wanted in a #1. Humor, Mystery, A Phone Booth and A dude with suction cup fingers! Awesome read!
Infinite Speech:
I liked the story concept better than it’s execution but I will give the 2nd issue a try.
Jeff: I really enjoyed the darker take on this concept. Keep it coming.
Andy: Weird. Strange. But… ? DC needs to reprint the old stuff pronto. B

Earth 2 #1 (DC)
Infinite Speech:
Better than Justice League #1 and I can’t wait to see the JSA finally come together!

Epic Kill #1 (Image)
Decapitated Dan: Had a Kill Bill feel to it, very cinematic and worth coming back for more. A solid read.

Exiled #1 (Marvel)
Jeff: I hate Asgard. I hate the current New Mutants run. So this book is certainly not my cup of tea.

Fanboys vs. Zombies #2 (BOOM)
Arnab: Still one of the most fun comic books to read. A-
Andy: I’m all in. Lots of fun, with plenty of easter eggs to geek out on. B

G.I. Combat #1 (DC)
Decapitated Dan: LOVE! I enjoyed the first story so much I read the second. I enjoyed the second story so much I reread the first. I enjoyed the first story so much I read the second. I enjoyed the second story so much I …
Infintie Speech: You want me to believe that a t-rex would pass up eating a triceratops to eat a tiny ass soldier? I wonder why DC didn’t hype up the fact that the new Unknown Soldier is a white guy?
Andy: Surprise read of the week. 100x better than Men of War. Too bad that book put a stigma on this one. If you like war, dinosaurs, and killer art by Ariel Olivetti, read this! B+

Green Arrow #9 (DC)
Arnab: And finally the weirdest arc ever, ends. Here’s hoping the future issues have more substance. C
Dr. Bustos:
This ends the latest, strange storyline. It was weird but intriguing, I’d like to see what comes next. C+

Hypernaturals #1 FCBD Edition (BOOM!)
Infinite Speech:
Ummm…not my cup of tea.

Invincible Iron Man #516 (Marvel)
Dr. Bustos: This one had me creeped out at some parts and fascinated by the end. B
Infinite Speech: Tony removed himself from the equation. Now things should get interesting.

Mind the Gap #1 (Image)
Decapitated Dan: It was long, but really good. Lots of mystery to unravel. I loved the final pages pointing out to go back and look for clues, it’s like I am playing a game and enjoying what I am reading!
Jeff: I’ve been waiting for Rodin Esquejo interiors and this one did not disappoint!
Andy: I can dig it. I think I know who the culprit is, but I’m sure everyone feels thas way. Read Jim McCann’s other amazing book, too, Return of the Dapper Men! B+

Mouse Guard and Other Stories: A Free Comic Book Day Hardcover Anthology  (Archaia)
Arnab: That was a fantastic collection of short stories. I can’t believe it was free, it was that good. A
Infintie Speech:
Archaia gets major props for this collection right here!

Swamp Thing #9 (DC)
Near perfect issue. This creative team, all of them, is creating one of DC’s best series. A
Andy: If you aren’t reading Animal Man, be sure to pick up the Animal Man Annual #1 in a few weeks- it reveals the origin of the rot… I wish the two would crossover already. B+

Teen Titans Annual #1 (DC)
Utterly and completely awesome. The Culling is proving to be more exciting than the entire Justice League series. A
Infinite Speech:
It’s awesome that DC already ruined who ends up being on the Ravagers about a month ago w/ their promos! Thanks again guys! Good issue though.

Transformers: Regeneration #80.5 (IDW)
Infinite Speech:
So a continuation of the original series that started at Marvel. Really glad this was free.

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #10 (Marvel)
Dr. Bustos: I’m interested to see where this goes with Uncle Aaron, though I was hoping MIles would have at least tried to join the Avengers first. B
Infinite Speech: Prowler vs Spidey! Uncle vs Nephew! Bendis & Marquez brought the awesome in this issue w/o being over the top.
Jeff: David Marquez is just a delight on this book.

Venom #17 (Marvel)
Decapitated Dan: Man I love me some Jack O’Lantern, but now I LOVE RED VENOM!!!!!!!! BROCK IS BACK!!!!!! Ghastly Award Winner Cullen Bunn and Rick Remender are an awesome duo!!!!
Infinite Speech: Poor, poor, Eddie. And you thought Flash had it bad.

Vescell #7 (Image)
Infinite Speech:
This title continues to mix many genres but still stays unique to itself. You never know what to expect but what you should expect is a wild ride every time!

Wolverine & the X-Men: Alpha & Omega #5 (Marvel)
Arnab: There was no purpose to this.  B
Thank God that’s over.

X-Factor #235 (Marvel)
Arnab: Peter David can write the heck out of these characters.
The Shatterstar headgear returns! At least for a few minutes.

X-Men #28 (Marvel)
Arnab: This issue just a vhock
Pixie…you must have missed the lesson on how to deal with Skrulls.

X-O Manowar #1 (Valiant)
Infinite Speech:
Very good reintroduction to Aric and it looks like things are even better than they were when this book was out in the 90s!
Andy: This is why I read comics! The first time since I can remember I read a comic twice in the same week. A++

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Jeff Jackson

    Haha, high five, Arnab on that Wolverine & the X-Men mini!

  2. Nick

    Great Chrips but they were lacking something amazing…. oh, yeah, ME!

  3. Billy

    Defenders is great!

  4. InfiniteSpeech

    Oh, and before anyone “corrects” my chirp about Action Comics I know Morrison didn’t create Nubia however he brought her back in Final Crisis which sucked as well.

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