Amazing Spider-Man #654 (Marvel)
Andy: Ok, I’m hooked…er, webbed.
Jeff: Stefano Caselli is the perfect artist for this book. Spider-Man is Amazing once again.
Eli: Worst drawing of Ms. Marvel’s, or perhaps any woman’s, butt I’ve ever seen. Of all the ladies to mangle…
Decapitated Dan: I think it’s safe to say I might start reading ASM again, it’s as much fun as Ult. Spidey.
Aron: :'(
Batgirl #18 (DC)
Andy: Bryan Q. Miller has got Stephanie Brown down to a T. I really like the “one and done” format of this series, and the lighthearted feel of the book is refreshing.
NickZ: A fun little Batgirl adventure. The shifts in the art work went really great with the story.
Batman and Robin #20 (DC)
Andy: The previous story arc can be forgotten as Tomasi and Gleason are poised to bring this series back to prominence. If you bailed after Morrison left, this issue should bring you back.
Eli: Sometimes I like Damian, other times I’d love to see him get beaten to an unconscious pulp.
Decapitated Dan: I read a Batman book and it was JUMPY as Hell! But I liked the mysterious ending.
NickZ: This arc looks way better than the last one. It was good to see the “family” all together again without the costumes.
Infinite Speech: Besides Batman this is my fav out of all of the Bat-titles so I hope Tomasi and Gleason keep it hot!
Black Panther: The Man Without Fear #515 (Marvel)
Andy: The art definitely fits the book. I like the story, but I don’t like Vlad. Reading him is annoying.
Eli: Killer art & T’Challa getting a grip on life without the Black Panther… great book all around.
Infinite Speech: Still a nice start but things need to pick up a bit. Oh, and T’Challa is seriously screwed by the end of the issue.
Birds Of Prey #9
Andy: What the hell is going on with this title? Can we get a good artist, please? And enough with The Calculator already. Yeesh.
Eli: Calculator is just causing all kinds of trouble.NickZ: Canary is one tough chick. I can’t wait to see how Barbara’s plan plays out.
B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth #2 (Dark Horse)
Andy: Never read any B.P.R.D. until this mini and I’m liking it. Even so, I’m a little lost…
Decapitated Dan: Jeez with all this back story it’s way to hard to jump into this MINI SERIES! I’m sad now
Aron: 80% of this issue was talking heads. 20%, the other side of last issue’s coin. I hope next issue gets exciting.
Carnage #3 (Marvel)
Andy: Zeb Wells and Clayton Crain are nailing this book on every level.
Charismagic #0 (Aspen)
Andy: If you like iZombie, you’ll dig this series. It’s pretty similar but with magical themes. The art by Khary Randolph is really good too.
Cinderella: Fables are Forever #1 (Vertigo)
Andy: Looks like this mini will be far superior to the previous one, as a cool concept is being explored here, set to expand the Fable mythos.
Aron: They had me with the cover. I can’t resist a pretty lady in purple. (Ladies, take note.)
DC Universe Legacies #9 (DC)
NickZ: I love how much of a jerk Batman can be toward Hal.
Deadpool Team-up #885 (Marvel)
Decapitated Dan: How can you lose with Hell Cow on the team? Read this issue, too many movie references, all bad except for the Monster Squad one!
NickZ: “If this is heaven I don’t ever wanna be retconned back to life!” How could you not love Deadpool?
The Flash #9 (DC)
Andy: This issue almost roped me back into the series…then that lame reveal happened on the last page.
Eli: I could use a break from all the time travelling.
Aron: The second story arc is about a WTF?! from the future, too? Hmm…
G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero # 163 (IDW)
Infinite Speech: If I hadn’t read the series in the 80s/90s I’d be lost after reading this. So I’d hate to be a new reader picking this issue up. RECAP!!
Green Lantern Emerald Warriors #7 (DC)
Andy: Move over Geoff Johns, Peter Tomasi is writing the best Lantern book on the shelves. “Kiss me, you red bitch!” Best line of the week.
Hack/Slash #1 (Image)
Decapitated Dan: Not too bad, never been a big fan but I am going to ride out the first arc. Awesome start to the back up Hoax Hunters.
Aron: So this is Hack/Slash, huh? It’s interesting. And a girl sitting in acid. Also, a head explodes. Nice! Give me #2.
Haunt #13 (Image)
Andy: Woah! What’s going on here? The plot nicely thickens. If you aren’t reading Haunt because you think it’s a Spawn knock-off, I poo in your shoe.
Heavy Metal: Living Dead Special (Heavy Metal)
Decapitated Dan: Haven’t had a horror special in a while and this one is Excellent! Buy it now you heathens! I just wish the cover was related to the interiors.
Heroes For Hire #3 (Marvel)
Andy: This series just got awesome.
Eli: I’m loving this series. And… respect the Iron Fist.
Infinite Speech: One of the better relaunches to hit the shelves in a while folks!
Incognito: Bad Influences #3 (Icon)
Andy: The best pulp-gasm I’ve had since last month.
The Incredible Hulks #622 (Marvel)
Andy: Greg Pak has done a superb job in presenting us a Hulk with character. Read this book. Pak will smash your predetermined bias against it.
Justice League Generation Lost #19 (DC)
NickZ: NOOOO! Not again!! Damn you Max!
Knight And Squire #5 (DC)
NickZ: Things just got serious now that the real Joker has shown up! Yes I get the irony of that sentence.
The Li’l Depressed Boy #1 (Image)
Andy: Loved it! Can’t wait to see what these dudes have in store for us. Oh, and did you know artist Sina Grace is also editing The Walking Dead? Word.
New Avengers #9 (Marvel)
Andy: Kick ass art in this issue by Deodato and Chaykin. The best Avengers book on the shelves right now.
Eli: Luke is the coolest car thief ever!
Infinite Speech: I haven’t enjoyed an Avengers title this much in YEARS! Bendis definitely brings the best out of this group of heroes!
Northlanders #37 (Vertigo)
Aron: I jumped on with issue 37. 37?! Yes, and you can too! VIKINGS! FIGHTING! CUSSING! Also, a Viking goes peepee.
Onslaught Unleashed #1 (Marvel)
Andy: It shows promise, but many #1’s usually do. Check back in when #2 comes out.
Jeff: Sean McKeever should be on top-tier book. This issue was a pleasant surprise.
NickZ: This book is actually pretty darn good!
Power Man and Iron Fist #1 (Marvel)
Andy: Has promise, but the racial humor feels a little weird.
Punisher MAX #10 (Marvel)
Andy: Sorry Rick Remender, this is THE Punisher book to be reading right now! …I love your Uncanny X-Force though.
Red Robin #20 (DC)
Andy: I love the team-up with the Teen Titans, but enough is enough with The Calculator already! I hate that guy!!
Eli: Tim versus Catman… ouch.
NickZ: Red Robin and the Teen Titans, together again for the first time. It’s a good reunion.
Spawn #202 (Image)
Andy: If you bailed after #200, try out #201 and this issue. Things are finally getting interesting again, and the art is really, really good.
Infinite Speech: Note to all: If a Hellspawn is your roommate he WILL bang your girlfriend…WELL.
Sponge Bob #1 (Bongo)
Decapitated Dan: Never liked the cartoon, but I like Bongo. Fun read had the feel of the show in terms of humor and layout, but not for me.
Aron: YaaaaaaaY! And now we gotta wait another two months? TARTAR SAUCE!
Star Trek: Infestation #1 (IDW)
Decapitated Dan: BING! Attention Starfleet personnel: If you want to become a zombie, please make sure to wear your helmet and full body armor. Those not doing so will be spared. That is all. BING!
Aron: WOW! This was a very pleasant surprise! Did not expect this to be good at all. Buy it! And Cover A is just wicked cool!
Infinite Speech: My assumptions about this issue were just wrong! I actually enjoyed it and liked the traditional zombie movie approach of the story.
Stan Lee’s Starborn #3 (BOOM! Studios)
Andy: Easily the best of the three super hero books released by BOOM!. Makes me want to go write a novel.
Superman #708
Eli: My first thought was of Reed Richards and all of those Reed’s from other dimensions.
NickZ: Supes needs to get over his issues already and don’t even get me started on the new Wonder Woman.
Aron: What the hell? I guess my question about Wonder Woman concerning the founding of the JLA has been answered. DUMB!
T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents #4 (DC)
Andy: The best DC book nobody is reading. Although, the ending reveal felt a little awkward…
Tyrannosaurus Rex #1 (Image)
Decapitated Dan: Dan like. Art Pretty. Deaths good. Monster fight giant squid. Busty cavewoman prize. Me want more now.
Aron: This comic was so fun! But I showed it to my grandma and she said that that wasn’t what the T-Rex looked like at all. They weren’t red.
Ultimate Comics Avengers vs. New Ultimates #1 (Marvel)
Andy: It was good, but how does this tie into the Death of Spider-Man story?
Aron: What in blue blazes does this have to do with Spider-Man?!
Ultimate Comics Captain America #2 (Marvel)
Andy: Vietnam Cap vs WWII Cap. A formula for victory. If you’re liking this mini (and you should be!), go read Jason Aaron’s Otherside. It will blow you away.
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #153 (Marvel)
Andy: My theory? Ultimate Spidey isn’t going to die, he’s going to stop being Spider-Man by changing his look and going by a different name. Word.
Aron: I haven’t read Ultimate Spidey since #54. Not bad, I guess.
Victorian Undead: Sherlock Holmes vs Dracula #4 (DC)
Aron: This series has really picked up! I enjoyed the interaction with Dracula’s winches. A quality vampire tale with some detectiving.
The Walking Dead #81 (Image)
Andy: Erm…is it bad that I could care less those characters died? Rick’s in it deep though. Oh man.
Jeff: I loved the rope climb scene! This book is so intense!
NickZ: Once again, it’s on like Donkey Kong!
Warlord of Mars #4 (Dynamite)
Andy: this series is one of the rare times when a comic book makes you want to go read the novels they’re based on.
Wolverine #5.1 (Marvel)
Andy: Now THIS is a book to rope in new readers! Well done all around. Plus, ICEMAN baby!
Jeff: A really fun issue and a rare occasion to see Wolverine’s life not suck.
NickZ: I loved Logan’s birthday party! Those brothers on the other hand were really sick.
Aron: Dumb.1
Wolverine #1000 (Marvel)
NickZ: Some interesting stories but ultimately, it was pretty pointless.
X-Factor #215
Andy: Peter David’s run on this series is like a broken vacuum: it never sucks.
Jeff: Nothing is better than Madrox and Layla interacting with one another.
NickZ: A great issue and it only featured 2 members of the team!
Someone got character happy lol!
@Eli-So Ms. Marvel’s ass was all you were looking at in that issue of Spider-Man? Hahaha!
That’s one focused man Jeff!
@Jeff – Well, Carol has had one of the better drawn posterior’s in comics for awhile in my opinion. And this was just… it doesn’t even look like a body part.
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You’re used to seeing Cho draw her man! You can’t expect everyone to draw the female figure that well lol But I saw the panel you were talking about and it looked like someone let the air out of it and it would just flap around in the wind
Let the air out… hah