Welcome to Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews. Here you can find out what we here at ComicAttack.net thought of this past week’s books in 140 characters or less! Make sure to come back each week to see what we have to say about the latest comics!
The Amazing Spider-Man #631 (Marvel)
Andy: One of the best Spidey arcs in the last few months. It’s dark, gritty, and the gloves are off!
Aron: I always enjoy a Lizard story! So cool! So savagely violent!
Astonishing X-Men: Xenogenesis #1 (Marvel)
Andy: Pg. 18 Emma’s boobs are literally resting themselves on a chair. What the hell was that all about? The weird art isn’t winning me over.
Decapitated Dan: Not bad, but why are we selling Emma instead of Jean to a new generation? Nice baseball team uniforms too.
Infinite Speech: So when the X-Men head to Africa Storm becomes the token advisor because Scott can’t? Thanks Ellis. The art doesn’t help this book at all.
Jeff: Why are the X-Men all crazy about Hope being born, yet in this issue, they don’t give a flip about African mutant babies? Don’t buy this.
Avengers Initiative #35 (Marvel)
Andy: I enjoyed it despite not really caring about most of the cast.
Billy: The hood gets schooled by Tigra!
Batgirl #10 (DC)
Andrew: Always a fun read, but add zombies!?!?! YEAH!
Andy: What’s with the “SNIKT” and “BAMF” onomatopoeia in this one? …and was that carbonite Babs got frozen in?
Batman #699 (DC)
Andrew: I liked the art. Not impressed with the story.
Andy: Interesting. I hope all the development over the last few years of Riddler’s character doesn’t get tossed out the window though.
Aron: Damn. A character angle I was really enjoying, comes to an end.
Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #1 (DC)
Andrew: Kind of a slow start, but I’m excited about where Bruce is going.
Andy: So cool. Can’t wait to see how it all ends!
Aron: Stupid.
Infinite Speech: Umm so in ANY time Batman will have a Robin? I’m on the fence with this one. Nice Frazetta style cover by Andy Kubert, Broken.
Birds of Prey #1 (DC)
Andy: A great start to this new chapter of the BoP. Can’t wait to see Huntress whoop some ass.
Aron: Awesome! But, who is Lady Blackhawk and when did all the Blackhawks die off?
Black Widow #2 (Marvel)
Andy: I’m genuinely impressed with how this series has started out and I’m into it!
Aron: Ahhh, yeah! This is getting BADASS!
Booster Gold #32 (DC)
Andy: This book should be re-titled “Goldpool”.
Bram Stoker’s Death Ship #1 (IDW)
Andy: Cool, stylized art. I’m not blown away by the story, but I’ll stick around for part 2.
Daredevil: Cage Match #1 (Marvel)
Andrew: Meh. Could have been done a lot better. Kinda goofy, actually.
Aron: An untold tale. A nice little diversion from the crazy world Daredevil is in right now.
Billy: My pick of the week! Great story and art!
Infinite Speech: So Luke Cage’s skin can stop bullets but not a punch from DD? Marvel needs to really nail down LC’s powers because this issue was just silly.
Dark Avengers #16 (Marvel)
Andy: Great pacing in this issue. Probably the best Siege tie-in throughout the event.
Billy: Norman’s got a cell-mate…and it’s a goblin demon? Hope he doesn’t drop the soap!
Infinite Speech: The final issue…damn, the book I thought I’d like the least ended up having a pretty decent run.
Daytripper #6 (Vertigo)
Andy: Even though we know how each issue is going to end at this point, it still touches me every time.
Deadpool Team-Up #893 (Marvel)
Andy: Meh. It’s no Cla$$war, that’s for sure!
Fables #95 (Vertigo)
Andy: Never trust a dwarf. Take that how you will.
First Wave #2 (DC)
Andrew: I love the creative team, but I hope the story actually goes some where soon.
Aron: In this, the Bat Man is a freakin shadowy spook! That’s awesome! But more of him, please!
The Flash #2 (DC)
Andrew: How can you not love some classic Flash/ science fiction/ WTF? Top notch read.
Andy: A fun issue. I dig it.
Aron: This has just been a fun book so far!
Greek Street #11 (Vertigo)
Decapitated Dan: I really like the depth in this series. There is a lot going on but it’s not confusing.
The Green Hornet Strikes #1 (Dynamite Entertainment)
Andy: Ya know, I really didn’t want to like the whole “Green Hornet” thing, but its been pretty solid so far. Especially the art.
Hercules: Prince of Power #1 (Marvel)
Andy: Amadeus Cho is the man.
Billy: Good first issue. Can’t wait for Thor and Cho to fight next ish!
Hulk #22 (Marvel)
Aron: Holy crap! HOLY CRAP!!!
Decapitated Dan: Ice-Hulk vs Torch-Hulk? Was good for one panel LAME!
Incredible Hulk #609 (Marvel)
Aron: This Hulk stuff is getting GOOD!
Decapitated Dan: I just read it for Ice-Hulk and I liked his 2 images. Other than that PASS!
Andy: Yep, I’m done with this one. When does the story even take place?
Iron Man Noir #2 (Marvel)
Aron: An awesome, refreshing view! And Namor is a pirate! What’s not to like!?
Justice League: Generations Lost #1 (DC)
Andrew: Omg…Max Lord scares the crap out of me…and I love this D list of a superhero team.
Infinite Speech: We find out what Maxwell Lord was up to in Brightest Day #0; now the question is: Do we even care? I think I nodded off while reading this.
Kato: Origins #1 (Dynamite)
Infinite Speech: Nice way to start answering some questions and clear up Kato’s past, plus he’s a ninja so why not check it out!
The Marvels Project #8 (Marvel)
Andy: A pretty solid series, and this issue ended it on a good note. Golden Age fans shouldn’t miss it!
The New Avengers Finale #1 (Marvel)
Andy: “I’m the new Nick Fury.” -Steve Rogers, I totally called this at the beginning of “Cap Reborn”! Can’t wait to see where it all leads to!
Aron: For 5 bucks, that was kinda dumb and boring.
Billy: The Hood finally gets what’s coming to him.
Infinite Speech: They tie up one more loose end after Siege and go for a walk…somehow Bendis makes it work.
New Mutants #13 (Marvel)
Andy: Why does everyone want to pick a fight with Hope? It’s starting to get annoying.
Aron: Wolverine in sneakers.
Billy: Things are really getting crazy. Hope gets into a catfight!
Infinite Speech: When will the X-Men go on the offensive?
Jeff: Would the editor(s) of these books please converse with one another and the artists? The small details are making me lose interest in SC.
Punishermax #7 (Marvel)
Andy: Good god. Jason Aaron, you are one f-ed up dude! If you’re liking this, you should be reading Scalped!
Aron: Lovin’ how psychotic Bullseye is! Nice homage to Ennis, too.
Sam and Twitch: The Writer #1 (Image)
Andy: I couldn’t finish it. The lettering really ruined it.
The Sentry: Fallen Son #1 (Marvel)
Andy: Paul Jenkins’ swan song…it was ok.
Aron: Goodbye.
Billy: Fantastic epilogue to Siege. Did this book leave the door open for a return though?
Siege #4 (Marvel)
Andy: A reassuring ending to the Dark Reign, providing a nice segue into the Heroic Age!
Aron: The very five words I’ve been waiting to hear since Civil War! Beautiful ending! Bravo!
Billy: Good read but I didn’t like how the last few pages were about what’s next. I wanted more action in the battle scene with the Void.
Infinite Speech: A tender moment between brothers & Norman gets his ass handed to him with some good action inbetween! Thanks Bendis and Coipel nice finish!
Jeff: Two words: Crazy sauce.
Siege: Embedded #4 (Marvel)
Billy: I think I liked this book as much as the main title.
Superman: War of the Supermen #2 (DC)
Andrew: Not the most action for a book with WAR in the title, but a great chapter to the story.
Aron: This thing is epic!
The Sword #24 (Image)
Andy: Wow. An amazing ending to this phenomenal series. I’m sad it’s over. Now go check out the trades!
Titans: Villains for Hire Special #1 (DC)
Andy: Brightest Day just got a little darker. I like it.
Trinity: Pandora’s Box #2 (Top Cow)
Infinite Speech: Getting closer to Artifacts and this book continues to be where you want to get in on the ground floor!
Ultimate Spider-Man #10 (Marvel)
Andy: Woah- Kitty does her best Polaris impression. The art seemed waaaay worse in this one.
Decapitated Dan: I feel bad for Kitty, but I loved the issue. I have to say this Iceman looks much better than before.
The Unwritten #13 (Vertigo)
Andy: Holy crap what an ending! One of the cooler cliffhangers of the series.
Witchblade #136 (Top Cow)
Infinite Speech: Replace the crutch of T&A with actual story and plot, then toss in great art and you get Ron Marz and Stjepan Sejic doing what they do best!
Wolverine #900 (Marvel)
Billy: Overall, if I could go back, I wouldn’t order it. It was mediocre at best.
X-Factor Forever #3 (Marvel)
Andy: Meh. This one’s just ok. Only read it if you’re a fan of Simonson’s original X-Factor run, but even then it falls a little flat.
Decapitated Dan: Another great issue. I wish this team was still together on this title. MAKE IT AN ONGOING MARVEL!
@Jeff if I’m correct the Astonishing timeline is months outside of current continuity. That’s why they aren’t on Utopia yet.
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Aron, you’re nuts man. The Return of Bruce Wayne was fuckin’ awesome!
I think you are correct, ‘Speech. But it definitely happens after Messiah CompleX, right? They are in the San Fran base.
My question is: If Steve Rogers is the new Nick Fury, who the heck is Nick Fury now? I vote for him to be the new Willie Lumpkin.
Why am I the only one not liking the SHIT that they are trying to pass off as The Return of Bruce Wayne? Maybe I’m just old and grumpy?
That’s what i’m thinking as well Jeff
Aron I feel you man lol Actually the cave man dialogue was just annoying however the symbolism and the parallels used throughout the story were pretty good. Maybe if this was a “silent issue” I would have enjoyed it more.
But if Superman, Green Lantern, and Booster Gold knew that Bruce was alive, why’d they let the world carry on thinking he was dead?
Hey, wait a second! With making us all understand the cavemen, Grant Morrison assumes all his readers are just stupid Neanderthals and won’t understand the speech of an intelligent man like Bruce Wayne.
I’ve decided I’m even more insulted by this book now.
Oh ho hum! It’s good shit- check out the link posted in the comments in the Crisis of Infinite Reviews this week. That guy points out some cool stuff!
And in regards to this: “But if Superman, Green Lantern, and Booster Gold knew that Bruce was alive, why’d they let the world carry on thinking he was dead?”
You may found out in the new series, “Time Masters” in July!
You guys are making my email go crazy here. So basically what your all saying is Bruce died. Went back in time to hang out with Cavemen, can speak their language and is now “Batcave”Man ?
Dan- He didn’t die. He got sent to the past in a rocket ship. Tell me that’s not ratarded!
Andy- Who is writing Time Masters? Grant Morrison?
Dan- Wait…no he didn’t. That rocket ship was something else. So The Return of Bruce Wayne is a Final Crisis spin-off? Well, damn, that sucks! All I read of Final Crisis was the last issue to see what happened with Batman. What the hell!? My head hurts now.
Maybe they can also explain the heroes reaction to the Black Lantern Batman if they knew the real one was lost in time. Or why no one told Dick so he wouldn’t go and do something stupid but I’ll reserve judgement until this thing is over with.
I also don’t think anyone is saying that Morrison is a bad writer but that this issue wasn’t everything it was hyped up to be. I think we’re more excited that Bruce is coming back but that doesn’t translate into “this issue is mindblowing”. Separate your feelings for Bruce and this issue and I think you’ll see but if you don’t hey everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
Despite my feelings on the overall book I’ll agree that Morrison was very insightful to use parts of Bruce’s past and tie them this story and they were effective.
In reading the linked article about Morrison and this book, it’s damn impressive that he did some DEEP digging for his homework. Linking all of his stories together, too, was very cool.
But I think that in Blackest Night, Green Lantern and Flash (I could be wrong about the characters) said that that wasn’t Bruce because he didn’t know anybody.
I’m gonna go ahead and save all my judgments until after I read Batman #701 & #702. It should be interesting. I hope it’s not craziness.
Wait, we’re talking time travel here. Who says Superman, Green Lantern, and Booster Gold didn’t go back in time after Blackest Night or even after Tim and Dick deduced that Batman was trapped in time. I mean, technically couldn’t they also be from a future where Bruce did make it all the way back to the present by himself and some apocalyptic event occurred? Or am I missing something?
@Aron, I didn’t read it so much as Morrison thinking his readers are stupid Neanderthals. But rather he’s rebuilding the legend of the Bat. I mean, Bruce Wayne doesn’t have the god-like powers that Superman, Wonder Woman, the Green Lanterns, hell even Supergirl and Superboy have. But by almost anyone’s standards he’s still pretty much one of the greatest superheroes of all time. By having us read through the perception of Neanderthals he’s literally making Bruce Wayne a god, as far as the Neanderthals believe. I think it’s all about Bruce Wayne being, the Batman, and how myth and fear play a huge role in his ability to succeed. I didn’t meant to write so much, but I think my point is that he’s not calling the readers stupid but rather he’s calling attention to Bruce being that great.
@Jeff- Nick Fury is the new James Dean.