Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 11/22/17

Action Comics #992 (DC)
NickZ: The aftermath of OZ leads Superman to visits from Batman, Green Lantern, the Cosmic Treadmill, and Booster Gold!

All-New Wolverine #27 (Marvel)
NickZ: Poor Daken, all he does is get tortured, beat up, and amputated in this story.

Angel #11 (Dark Horse)
NickZ: This three-way relationship between Angel, Fred, and Illyria is getting way too complicated.

Animosity: Evolution #2 (AfterShock)
Infinite Speech: I knew that bat was trouble! But now Bennett has me second guessing whether or not I like

Batgirl #17 (DC)
NickZ: In two time periods, Babs and Dick dance around their feelings for each other without any real developments.

Black Panther #167 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Coates just revealed a truth about Wakanda many weren’t expecting. I don’t like it but I’m willing to see how it plays out.

Cable #151 (Marvel)
NickZ: How many times have they done the “death of the Externals” story line already?

Detective Comics #969 (DC)
NickZ: No matter how much they push it, I am not feeling the whole Tim and Steph relationship.
Eric: Tim Drake is back and resolved to become Batman but will Spoiler stand by her man?

Doomsday Clock #1 (DC)
Infinite Speech: If you like your Watchmen nostalgia then you’ll enjoy this. Never read Watchmen? Then you might be lost for a while.
NickZ: In the words of the “immortal” Rorschach, “Hrm.”
Eric: The long awaited sequel to Watchmen is finally here but once the nostalgia goggles come off it’s kind of boring.

Doom Patrol #9 (DC)
NickZ: This book is balls to the wall crazy, and I love every second of it!

Flash #35 (DC)
Infinite Speech: I really hope there is some young kid out there discovering Flash for the first time with Williamson’s run.

Generation X #9 (Marvel)
NickZ: The Quentin/Benjamin/Nathanel “love triangle” is currently the best thing about this book.

Glitterbomb The Fame Game #3 (Image)
NickZ: The darkness of fame is on full display in all it’s ugliness!

Mighty Morpin Power Rangers #21 (BOOM!)
Infinite Speech: Higgins just cranked the Power Ranger mythos way past 10! Oh, and Zordon better not get off easy for his omission of the facts either!

Moon Girl & Devil Dinosuar #25 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Are we getting set up for the return of the FF? Either way this is a fantastic issue that longtime FF fans will enjoy.

Nightwing The New Order #4 (DC)
NickZ: I actually wouldn’t mind seeing this version of the Titans in their own miniseries. I especially love Lois.

Snotgirl #8 (Image)
NickZ: “The Boys Issue” is just code for some homoerotic adventures.

Teen Titans #14 (DC)
Infinite Speech: This FINALLY feels like a true team book! It also doesn’t hurt that Damian stepped up and did right by Kid Flash
NickZ: I really hate how much everyone caters to Damian’s nonsense.

Warframe #2 (Top Cow)
Eric: Lotus intervenes to stall the Grenier attempt to attain power! Warframe fans will love this!

Wayward #25 (Image)
NickZ: The gang is finally back together and more powerful than ever!
Infinite Speech: Yes! This is the reunion I was waiting for!

X-Men Gold #16 (Marvel)
NickZ: Kitty is good as the spokesperson for the X-Men but Storm really needs to take back leadership.

X-O Manowar #9 (Valiant)
Infinite Speech: Matt Kindt is putting Aric through hell right now and Clayton Crain makes it look so damn good!

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