Adventure Time #70 (Boom!)
NickZ: TFW you get to the issue of Adventure Time that is no longer drawn by Ian McGinty
Astonishing X-Men #5 (Marvel)
NickZ: Death has made Xavier even more of an ass than he was in life.
Batman #34 (DC)
Arnab: Dick and Damian? adorable, as usual. Bat and Cat? amazing together, as usual.
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. Some great moments with Damian, Dick, & Clark, but the main story with Batman, Catwoman, & Talia is too drawn out.
NickZ: I didn’t think it was possible for me to love Catwoman more than I did, but Tom King and Joelle Jones found a way to do it!
Batman the Devastator #1 (DC)
Martin: 4/5 stars. I’ve liked most of the tie-ins to Metal’s overall story, but this 1 seems to “matter” more than others
NickZ: If not for Lois Lane, this would have been the worst Metal crossover book yet.
Batman White Knight #2 (DC)
Martin: 4/5 stars. Some interesting interactions with Jack & Harleen in this issue, but the real selling point is the art.
NickZ: The way Murphy and Hollingsworth are playing on the Batman mythos for this story is brilliant!
Black Lightning: Cold Dead Hands #1 (DC)
Infinite Speech: So Tobias Whale wasn’t the real Tobias Whale and the real Tobias Whale is ticked off! Black Lightning is cool in this too!
Darth Vader #7 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Charles Soule is writing a formidable Darth Vader and throwing in the Inquisitors is a nice touch. The Emperor is still a jerk.
Deathstroke #25 (DC)
Infinite Speech: Priest is writing a definitive Deathstroke series here and I hope you’re paying attention.
Destroyer #6 (BOOM!)
Infinite Speech: Damn! This was a kick in the feels of a mini series and the creative team should be damn proud of themselves for this!
G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #245 (IDW)
Infinite Speech: A lot of story points going on but none of them really stood out. Even the ninja action was a tad boring.
Green Arrow #34 (DC)
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. What began as 1 of the stronger Rebirth books has lost some footing lately. Will Ollie’s trial ever start?
Green Lanterns #34 (DC)
Martin: 4/5 stars. This is why I read this book. A combination of fun space action juxtaposed with real-world, mundane problems.
Guardians of the Galaxy #146 (Marvel)
NickZ: In typical Guardians fashion, this stint with the Nova Corps is off to a terrible start.
Iceman #7 (Marvel)
Arnab: A new town should do wonders for Bobby.
NickZ: Bobby has officially become “That Guy” who uproots his whole life and moves cross country after one good date!
Iron Fist #74 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Who would have thought this Sabretooth and Iron Fist team up would be this good?
Justice League #32 (DC)
Martin: 4/5 stars. 1 of my fave Metal tie-ins so far. The combo of story & art really help explain how dire the situation is.
NickZ: Other than showing the traps the Batmen have set for the Justice League, this issue is mostly filler.
Lazarus x+66 #4 (Image)
Martin: 4.5/5 stars. This look at the 2 Lazari from the Nkosi & Meyers-Qasimi families is 1 of the best of the series so far.
Nightwing #32 (DC)
Arnab: I’m kinda done with Bludhaven. Get him back to Gotham or something.
No. 1 with a Bullet #1 (Image)
Martin: 4/5 stars. A very compelling main character (Nash Huang), a topical & interesting premise, and excellent, quirky art
Noble #6 (Lion Forge)
Infinite Speech: Astrid is the Snake Eyes of the Catalyst Prime Universe. Yes she is THAT DAMN COOL!
Paper Girls #17 (Image)
NickZ: There were so many twist and turns in this issue, I can’t wait to see what they do next!
Peter Parker the Spectacular Spider-Man #6 (Marvel)
NickZ: Excuse me while I pick my jaw up off the floor!
ROM #14 (IDW)
Infinite Speech: This Wraith problem just keeps getting too much for ROM to handle and I want more Darby!
Shadow-Batman #2 (Dynamite)
Martin:4/5 stars. I wasn’t a fan of issue #1 & the inclusion of Damian, but things improve a lot this issue. Worth another look.
Spider-Man #234 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: The identity of the new Iron Spider was a surprise and a damn good one at that! Now let’s hope it pays off in the end!
Superman #34 (DC)
Martin:4.5/5 stars. Lex Luthor’s portrayal is perfect this issue, and Lois Lane provides a surprise I did not see coming.
NickZ: Only Lois Lane could impress Granny Goodness enough to make her into one of her Female Furries.
The Walking Dead #173 (Image)
Arnab: Jesus is a BEAST.
NickZ: Jesus is a bad ass, never forget.