Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 10/25/17

Action Comics #990 (DC)
NickZ: That feeling when you have to stand in the way of your dad when he’s trying to punch your crazy old grandpa.

All-New Wolverine #26 (Marvel)
NickZ: Am I the only one who finds Daken way more interesting of a character than Laura?

Angel #10 (Dark Horse)
NickZ: I don’t know if Angel is crazier for trying to undo his own existence or for that shocking kiss he gave at the end of the issue!

Batgirl #16 (DC)
NickZ: Hope Larson is just toying with the emotions of all the Dick/Babs shippers with this story.

Batman the Merciless #1 (DC)
NickZ: Now that was a shocking revelation that I did not see coming!
Eric: Merciless is the messiest. Probably my least favorite Metal story so far.

Black Panther #166 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: More superhero greatness and I’m going to need that Shuri spinoff mini series now, please and thank you!

Bloodshot Salvation #2 (Valiant)
Infinite Speech: This is creepy on several levels but shows just how great Valiant has made the Bloodshot character over the past few years!

Buffy the Vampire Slayer #12 (Dark Horse)
NickZ: While Buffy being a Super Slayer obviously could not remain, I think she made a huge mistake restoring the powers of all those other Slayers besides Faith.

Copperhead #15 (Image)
NickZ: With twists and turns you won’t see coming, this is the best science fiction/western mash-up that you will likely ever read!

Deadly Class #31 (Image)
NickZ: All I am saying is that as excited as I am for the TV show, it has a lot to live up to if wants to be even half as amazing as this comic is on a consistent basis.

The Despicable Deadpool #288 (Marvel)
NickZ: Cable finally got the upper hand on Deadpool! (literally)

Detective Comics #967 (DC)
Arnab: Future Tim is all kinds of amazing and terrifying at the same time.
Like him or hate him, future Tim Drake is a beast! And don’t even get me started on that ending!

Eternity #1 (Valiant)
Infinite Speech: Another fantastic cosmic ride from Valiant! But did anyone else think Abram’s baby looks like he spends time in the gym?

First Strike #6 (IDW)
Infinite Speech: Well that was a cool way to introduce the newest members of the Hasbroverse! But I really wanted to see Soundwave vs Storm Shadow!

The Flash #33 (DC)
NickZ: First they created various versions of Batman, and now they’ve made “death-trap” Bat-caves specifically designed for each member of the Justice League!?! They are having way too much fun making these books!

Fu Jitsu #2 (AfterShock)
Infinite Speech: Just as good as the first issue and I’m fully on board!

Glitterbomb the Fame Game #2 (Image)
NickZ: Things have gone from bad to worse as a new player enters the fame game.

Ghostbusters: Answer The Call #1 (IDW)
Infinite Speech: Two words: Ghost. Zamboni. Yeah this was a great follow-up to the reboot and issue 2 is definitely on my radar!

Incidentals #3 (Lion Forge)
Infinite Speech: This new superhero universe has familiar elements but it’s coming together better than expected and with art by Stroman you can’t go wrong!

Jean Grey #8 (Marvel)
NickZ: I am so tired of the Dark Phoenix Saga and Cyclops affair with Emma or him killing Xavier as the only thing people think of when speaking about Cyclops and Jean Grey! They are so much more than those moments!

Justice League of America #17 (DC)
NickZ: The only thing smaller than this story about the Atom in the Microverse is my desire to read it.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #20 (BOOM!)
Infinite Speech: The story of the first Rangers was brutal and Zordon was a major @$%! in the end! If you’re a fan then you need to check this one out!

Nightwing the New Order #3 (DC)
Arnab: How is Green Lantern allowed to take sides in this?
: It’s just like Dick to make a mess of the world and then run to Tim to help him fix it when it all starts crumbling in around him.

Outcast #31 (Image)
NickZ: Who would have guessed we’d ever be wishing for Sidney back?

Saga #48 (Image)
Arnab: I can’t believe he almost killed Friendo.
: I’m really getting pretty attached to Ghus so they’re probably going to kill him at some point.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #75 (IDW)
Infinite Speech: So…ummm…Leatherhead…damn!

Teen Titans #13 (DC)
NickZ: I thought being on the Titans would be good for Damian’s character development but I think I dislike him more than ever.
Infinite Speech: I used to like Damian a LOT but this series has deflated my excitement for the little guy.

Wayward #24 (Image)
NickZ: Rori literally cannot trust anyone, least of all her own father!
Infinite Speech: Well this was another great one from the creative team but can’t Rori catch a break at some point??

Weapon X #10 (Marvel)
NickZ: How has this Weapon H story line not been resolved by now?

Wildstorm: A Celebration of 25 Years (DC)
Infinite Speech: This is not how you celebrate Wildstorm’s heyday.

X-Men Blue #14 (Marvel)
NickZ: Not that I actually believed any of the X-Men were dead, but revealing that to the remaining X-Men just took any stakes out of this little game.

X-O Manowar #8 (Valiant)
Infinite Speech: Moving Aric from the immediate Valiant Universe has been the best move for an already awesome comic!

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