A-Force #9 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Thompson has kept this title from suffering the tie-in curse so stick with A-Force!
Action Comics #963 (DC)
NickZ: The mystery of the “new” Clark Kent begins to unravel.
Adventure Time #56 (Boom!)
NickZ: More clever story telling by Hastings and McGinty. Poor NEPTR.
All-New Inhumans #11 (Marvel)
NickZ: A touching farewell with some nice character payoffs.
All-New X-Men #13 (Marvel)
Arnab: Ditto
Infinite Speech: If Bobby couldn’t find a gay guy in NYC during “his era” he wasn’t looking hard enough. Not a great issue.
NickZ: This was a cute story. It’s nice that they are showing Iceman exploring his sexuality.
All-Star Batman #2 (DC)
Arnab: The art in this is unappealing, that it makes the story boring.
Infinite Speech: Holy $#@! the ears are weapons!!! THE EARS ARE WEAPONS PEOPLE!! Thank you Snyder!
NickZ: This had some really great moments but overall I’m not feeling the hype. I did really enjoy the back-up story tho.
Animosity #2 (Aftershock)
Infinite Speech: Second issue is just as great as the first! Start reading this series and treat your animals right!
Avatar: The Last Airbender – North and South Pt 1 (Dark Horse)
Infinite Speech: The heart and voice of the animated series is transferred directly to these pages so every fan should be reading this!
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #2 (DC)
NickZ: I am not feeling the characterization of these people at all and this art was pretty bad too.
Black Panther #6 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Coates and Stelfreeze dropped a bomb with that last page! It was EVERYTHING!
Black Science #24 (Image)
NickZ: The McKay’s are the Bad News Bears of the multiverse.
Deadpool #18 (Marvel)
NickZ: Deadpool has two very different “therapeutic conversation” sessions, first with his wife and later with Rogue.
Detective Comics #940 (DC)
Arnab: If that had stuck, there would have been rioting in the streets. Nevertheless, it better not last long.
NickZ: Holy S*#%! This was an emotional roller coaster! Tynion’s final twist was brilliant and Barrows art is stellar!
Doom Patrol #1 (DC)
NickZ: Gerard Way and Nick Derington make something old new again. Totally digging this book so far.
Flash #6 (DC)
Infinite Speech: Sure we saw where this was headed but Williamson & Di Giandomenico definitely make sure you’ll have fun on the way!
Gotham Academy Second Semester #1 (DC)
NickZ: Enter: The “bad girl”!
Lady Killer 2 #2 (Dark Horse)
Infinite Speech: Something about this alliance makes me very uneasy and a little scared for Josie.
Lumberjanes Gotham Academy #4 (Boom!)
NickZ: I love this team-up but these characters deserve a better story.
Mockingbird #7 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: This mystery went from humorous to creepy as hell real quick.
Mycroft Holmes and the Apocalypse Handbook #2 (Titan)
Infinite Speech: As the plot deepens everything gets better so if you want a good mystery then this is it!
Old Man Logan #11 (Marvel)
NickZ: This is such a great action movie that just happens to feature Wolverine and be in comic book form.
Red Hood and the Outlaws #2 (DC)
NickZ: I am really enjoying this series. The dynamic between Jason and Artemis will be a fun one to watch develope.
Samurai #2.1 (Titan)
Infinite Speech: If you’re a fan of great samurai stories then add this to your pull list immediately!
Spider-Man #8 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Sorry Bendis but you made me cringe with that POC line from Luke. He’s a street dude. Street dudes don’t speak like that.
Symmetry #7 (Top Cow)
Infinite Speech: Hawkins writes a compelling tale and Ienco’s art brings it to life! Get in on this now!
NickZ: Even in a future where the races have been segregated for generations, white people still seem to be the worst at accepting others.
Teen Titans #24 (DC)
Arnab: Best characterization of Tim Drake in the New 52, and it was only cu
NickZ: The final issue of this run of Titans is the best issue of the series!
The Strain: Mister Quinlan – Vampire Hunter #1 (Dark Horse)
Infinite Speech: The origin of Quinlan begins here and is worth checking out for fans of the comic series or television show!
Uncanny Avengers #14 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Once again, this is the best X-Men comic on the stands and Hydra Cap needs a beat down from Cable. Now!
NickZ: Once again Cap stands against mutant kind in their hour of need. I’m sure they’ll just blame it on Red Skull.
Uncanny Inhumans #13 (Marvel)
NickZ: Civil War II is so out of hand and every character is behaving ridiculously.