Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 09/04/19

Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 09/04/19

Batman/TMNT III #5 (DC/IDW)
Infinite Speech: Team-up perfection right here that hits the right notes for Bat fans and TMNT fans alike! And seeing the 1984 Turtles here was the icing on the cake.

Champions #9 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Never been much of  a Blackheart fan so this arc really isn’t doing it for me. I’m also not trusting Viv 2.0 either.

DCeased: A Good Day to Die #1 (DC) 
Martin: 4.5/5 stars. Wow! A fantastic issue with a perfect mix of humor (as only Taylor can do) and horror, with a fun mix of characters, some really shocking moments, & a great use of John Constantine. One of the best issues of this series so far.

Deathstroke #47 (DC)
Infinite Speech: Can’t believe that I was going to pass on this series and here I am, 47 issues later still amazed at Christopher Priest’s work here!

Doomsday Clock #11 (DC)
Martin: 4/5 stars. Remember way back in Nov 2017 when the 1st issue was released, almost 2 years ago? This is the penultimate issue; but it will read so much better in trade when the reader doesn’t need to wait months between issues. That said, Frank’s art is great.

Goon #6 (Albatross Funny Books)
Infinite Speech: Another issue of comedy perfection from Powell who puts his main character through some of the best ridiculousness in comics!

The Green Lantern #11 (DC)
Martin: One of the craziest, weirdest, and most fun being put out by DC right now. Morrison always brings something very different to his books, but putting him on a space book makes the most sense. I will miss this story after next issue.

House of X #4 (Marvel)
Arnab: As great as this entire story has been, it’s been frickin’ beautiful.
Infinite Speech: So much to process in this issue alone but once again a writer captures the perfection that is Nightcrawler.

Justice League #31 (DC)
Infinite Speech: Everything about this issue is fantastic but the biggest thing is seeing the JSA meet Flash and Green Lantern!
Martin: 4/5 stars. So much happens in this issue, with 3 teams in 3 timelines, plus the appearance of a long-missing hero and some fantastic dialogue from Jarro. The return of the Justice Society is long over-due and handled really well, as is the Kamandi segment.

Legion of Superheroes: Millenium #1 (DC)
Infinite Speech: Picked this up to see what all the Legion hype was about and it’s just a prelude story of one character’s journey. Didn’t need all of these creatives to tell it but it did need them to sell it.
Martin: 4/5 stars. This oversized issue is essentially 4 different stories with different artists. While the art is exceptionally strong, the story is a bit all over the place, and oddly doesn’t actually involve the Legion.

Lois Lane #3 (DC)
Martin: 4/5 stars. Really great scenes with Lois & Superman & their dynamic as a couple. I also really enjoyed the scenes between the Question and… the Question? I’m less excited about the introduction of a certain character on the last page, but I’l keep an open mind.

Savage Avengers #5 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: So it was a set up? This just got more interesting and I’ll be here for the PG-13 bloodbath that’s about to happen!

Supergirl #33 (DC)
Martin: 4/5 stars. Lots of overlap in this issue & last week’s Superman (dealing with the foundation of the Legion of Super-Heroes), but it’s handled with more detail here. Interestingly, Rogol Zaar, a huge part of Supergirl so far, is defeated in a single panel.

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