Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 05/16/18

All-New Wolverine #35 (Marvel)
NickZ: What a way to end this series with some kick ass females literally bringing about world peace!

Barrier #3 (Image)
NickZ: Marcos Martin shines in this completely silent issue! It takes an incredible artist to tell an entire story without the use of any narration or dialogue but he more than pulls it off!

Avengers #2 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Liking the crazy team dynamic and the callback to the original Avengers’ formation.

Batman #47 (DC)
Infinite Speech: Maybe if I liked Booster Gold like the rest of you I’d appreciate this story arc.
Martin: 3/5 stars. I haven’t been a fan of this arc, as it shows Booster acting completely out of character, and yet another “grim, dark, gritty” one-dimensional version of Bruce Wayne & Gotham, right on the heels of “Dark Nights: Metal.”
NickZ: Booster’s “gift” is a horrendous way to directly lead into the wedding but it was a crazy/fun story, I guess.

Batwoman #15 (DC)
NickZ: Batwoman’s family is nothing but trouble.

Bloodshot Salvation #9 (Valiant)
Infinite Speech: I’m loving this invincible dog more and more. Protect him at all costs!!

The Brave and the Bold #4 (DC)
Martin: 4/5 stars. While the series got off to a slow start, it’s picked it over the past few issues, and this one in particular pushes the story forward, accompanied by gorgeous Liam Sharp art.
NickZ: Every new discovery brings this realm closer and closer to all out war with Bruce and Diana caught right smack in the middle.

Cable #157 (Marvel)
NickZ: As Cable continues to be haunted by his deadliest foe, his family is once again drawn into the line of fire by trying help him but, a Cable and X-Man team-up always makes for a fun story.

Dead Hand #2 (Image)
Martin: 4.5/5 stars. A very strong “sequel” to the also very strong 1st issue, which is no small feat. Two shocking bits, including the last page cliffhanger, and stellar art & coloring, make for one of the best comics this week.

Flavor #1 (Image)
Martin: 4/5 stars. A very creative concept with a fun artistic style that draws comparison to Miyazaki. Looks like an interesting and fun world with believable, relatable characters.

Green Lanterns #47 (DC)
Infinite Speech: Everything was great then Hal had to show up with bad news leading to a lackluster cliffhanger.
Martin: 4/5 stars. Conclusion to an arc that had its ups & downs, but this one, that continues to involve the whole League, John Constantine, Jess’ sister Sara, and a really weird villain, was satisfying, even if the set-up for the next issue is disappointing.

Infinity Countdown Daredevil #1 (Marvel)
NickZ: Nothing really major happens in this story, feels like Marvel is just milking the Infinity Countdown event.

Justice League No Justice #2 (DC)
Infinite Speech: Spend your money on this event instead of Doomsday Clock. It’s great and comes out on time.
Martin: 4/5 stars. The art does help elevate the score for this. While it’s fun and wild, and it’s interesting to see the make-up of the different teams, it could use a bit more character development instead of just action.
NickZ: The true genius of this story is just seeing the forced interactions between characters who don’t generally work together or even on the same side. Also, Manapul and To killed it on the visuals!

Kick-Ass #4 (Image)
Infinite Speech: Millar & Romita Jr. deliver a nail biting, suspenseful ass ride of pure adrenaline!

Menthu: The Anger of Angels OGN (Black Inc!)
Infinite Speech: These are the types of superhero stories that need to be told but the art made things a little a bit congested at times. Definitely worth checking out because the Big Two aren’t the only place for capes!

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #27 (BOOM!)
Infinite Speech: This is a moment all Power Rangers fans should be reading!

New Challengers #1 (DC)
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. Another delayed New Age of Heroes title, & 1 that misses an opportunity to draw on the fun, Silver Age sensibilities of its namesake team rather than more dark & gritty stuff from DC. Read my full review here!

Ninjak #7 (Valiant)
Infinite Speech: Am I wrong for laughing at what happened to Gin-Gr? Another great issue but that was funny and I now it wasn’t supposed to be.

Quicksilver No Surrender #1 (Marvel)
NickZ: As a long time Quicksilver fan, I loved this issue! I feel like they are doing for Quicksilver what DC has been doing for Flash for a long time. Pietro describing the difference between moving quickly and being fast was character defining.

Star Trek TNG Through the Mirror #3 (IDW)
NickZ: Another fantastic issue! The infiltration of our Enterprise by the Mirror Universe duplicates was done so perfectly in it’s imperfections! And I can’t wait to see how Data’s search for Emperor Spock is going to play into all of this!

Summit #5 (Lion Forge)
Infinite Speech: Good old fashioned superhero action here and I’m loving the character development!

Superman Special #1 (DC)
Martin: 4/5 stars. The story that wraps-up the Dinosaur Island arc from way back in Rebirth Superman’s history was great, and a fitting tribute to Darwyn Cooke. The other two stories were good, but nothing all that special.
NickZ: As great of a writer that Bendis can be, this issue makes me think DC is making a huge mistake taking Tomasi and Gleason off writing Superman. They have done an incredible job of making Superman great again without retreading what has already been done before.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #82 (IDW)
Infinite Speech: Splinter seems scarier as leader of the Foot than Shredder ever did.

The Wicked + The Divine #36 (Image)
NickZ: The two chapters in this story were both amazing in their own right! The amount of work they put into this book is impressive and it really shows! I can’t wait to see what happens next!

X-Men the Wedding Special #1 (Marvel)
NickZ: There were some nice, fun moments but overall I just feel this wedding is being so rushed. Marvel needs to look over at what Tom King has been doing with Batman and Catwoman to see how to do it right!

X-Men Red #4 (Marvel)
NickZ: Tom Taylor is writing the best, smartest X-Men book that I’ve read in years! I love the intelligent uses of everyone’s powers and the way every plot point makes sense to the story and to the character’s motivations! Everyone who’s ever been an X-Men fan should be reading this series!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. RICK-E

    Splinter leads the Foot? And who doesn’t like Booster Gold?

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