When you live in a world of magic, you eventually need a team of people to deal with dangerous magic and those who would wield it. Shadowpact is just such a group, forged in a crisis, meant to stop chaos and destruction. The team name may not have a great track record but it’s worth a shot to try and make it right. So who makes up Shadowpact and what’s wrong with the name? Let’s find out!
As the world was teetering into what felt like the end times, the Spectre, a physical embodiment of God’s wrath, had decided that magic needed to end. Using all its power, it was willing to destroy magic in all its forms. Three desperate heroes, Detective Chimp, a chimp granted speech and incredible intelligence, Enchantress, a sorceress of great skill, and Ragman, who wore a suit that granted him the power of wicked souls he was able to bind to the rags, would team up to try and stop the end of all magic.

The trio were soon joined by other heroes, Blue Devil, stuntman turned demon who made the best of it, Nightshade, a woman with control over shadows and able to make them tangible, and Nightmaster, a rocker who found a magic sword to help him fight the forces of evil. While other heavy hitter heroes would join them in trying to take on the Spectre, these six would become known as the Shadowpact.
Upon hearing this team name, the wizard, Shazam, would say this name is often picked up throughout history by magical forces who are doomed to a lost cause. So, off to a great start. While the name’s concept turned out to be true in this instance, the team would have to help with the collateral damage. Not only that, but this loss was actually the end of one age of magic for a new one, so things were in a huge flux all over the planet.

Shadowpact decided to stick together to become the team to deal with this raise in new magical weirdness. They were able to make the Oblivion Bar, an extradimensional bar that was a favorite watering hole for magical folk and owned by Nightmaster, into their headquarters. One of their first missions had them declared legally dead due to being trapped in a domed city where only days passed for them but years had gone by for the rest of the world.

Having to return to a world that had accepted their sacrifice and moved on, the team basically had to rebuild themselves hardly a month into their existence. They still were the premiere team of heroes to call in when things got too magical for any one hero to handle. Strange fights with monsters and wizards would be their bread and butter.
A threat would come, the Sun King, that would require the aide of not just the Shadowpact of the present, but all teams who had taken on that name, past and future. The teams would unite to face this enemy and in doing so, prove that none of the Shadowpacts had failed, for this was their true mission. History had been rewritten, the Shadowpact name had been turned into one of greatness and not failure.

There you have it! Shadowpact was a short lived series in DC Comics but they were able to leave their mark, nowadays, comics tends to always have at least one magical super team around. They never got to be on TV or film, live-action or animated, as a team but some of them have made appearances on their own. See you next time!
Suggested Reading
Day of Vengeance
Dr. Bustos