All these heroes and villains running around, seems like you’d want to have at least one organization set up to deal with the weird stuff. That’s what the Supreme Headquarters, International Espionage, Law-Enforcement Division is for. Or is it Strategic Hazard Intervention Espionage Logistic Directorate? Possibly even Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division? What’s with the name and what do they do? Let’s find out!
Nick Fury didn’t start the organization that would be S.H.I.E.L.D. but he soon took over what would go from a covert U.S. government organization to a U.N. funded widely accepted global agency. As executive director, Fury would have a board of higher ups but for the most part, was left to run the organization since he had proven himself through his time with the Howling Commandos during World War II.

Mostly interested in spy work early on, it became clear that S.H.I.E.L.D. would have to become far more militant in their workings. Advancing their own technologies, they would create such wonders as the Helicarrier, a massive mobile base that became standard for the organization. Life Model Decoys, synthetic clones of an individual that can be remotely piloted and is often used by Fury and other agents who go into high risk situations but are considered highly important to the welfare of the planet. They even developed a chemical that could slow one’s aging, which is what allows Fury to stay active long into the twenty-first century. All these and more were made through S.H.I.E.L.D. or with aide from the rising heroes as time went on.
In fact, heroes and villains became part and parcel for S.H.I.E.L.D. they often fought along side heroes but would also use assistance from villains when they saw fit. Such as using the Taskmaster to train S.H.I.E.L.D. troops since the man had mastered all forms of combat and had even trained other agencies, mostly villainous ones. As time wore on, many of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s views became very by any means necessary, so when villains took over where once Fury lead, things were easy to convert to more nefarious efforts.

S.H.I.E.L.D. became H.A.M.M.E.R. for a period, run by Norman Osborn as villains were now running the most vast and powerful global government agencies. This was a dark time for heroes and agents, many were forced to work for the new regime or be branded outlaws. When Osborn and the villains were inevitably shut down, several agents and heroes would take on the position once held by Nick Fury. Captain America, himself, Steve Rogers, would lead at least once, Maria Hill, long-time agent, took over at some points, and even M.O.D.O.K. would co-run things for a time.
While S.H.I.E.L.D. may be the most recognizable agency, eventually others were formed with similar roles. Altered-Reality Monitoring and Operational Response agency, or A.R.M.O.R. deal with extra-dimensional threats since it’s know that this is just one of many realities in existence. Sentient World Observation and Response Department, S.W.O.R.D. deal with alien threats and monitors any activity going on in outer space, even being based partly on satellites around the planet. Special Threat Assessment of Known Extranormalities, S.T.A.K.E. take care of supernatural threats specifically and Wizards Alchemy and Necromancy Department, or W.A.N.D. deal with any magical threats.

There you have it! S.H.I.E.L.D. have been an agency in Marvel comics since the 1960s and have become a household name thanks to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The agency has appeared in cartoons series and films, even has had it’s own ongoing live-action series on television. The agents has been an ally and enemy to the heroes in the films and comics so it’s never certain what they’ll be doing next. See you next time!
Suggested Reading
Strange Tales #135
Nick Fury: Agent of Shield
Secret Avengers
The Initiative
Dr. Bustos