Character Spotlight: Ronan the Accuser

Character Spotlight: Ronan the Accuser

He’s big, he’s blue, and he’s coming for you! Ronan the Accuser is one of the more powerful beings in Marvel cosmos and that’s not including the political power he has had control over sometimes. You may remember him from the Guardians of the Galaxy movie and from his soon to be second, though technically first, appearance in the MCU with Captain Marvel. So what is an Accuser?  What kind of alien is he? Let’s find out!

Ronan is of the Kree race, a species of humanoid alien known for conquering their entire section of outer space as the Kree Empire. His family were well to do and Ronan would enter the Public Accuser Corps, the Kree’s military/police force, and raise through the ranks to quickly become the third most powerful member of the Kree Empire. His works would lead him to Earth when the Fantastic Four would take down a Kree Sentry, he would be defeated by the Four and this would lead him down a path to dethrone the Supreme Intelligence of the Kree Empire. Ronan’s time on Earth would also bring more Kree, such as Captain Mar-Vell (Marvel, when he learned his name had another meaning on Earth) as another scout, the two would fight when Ronan attempted to take down the Supreme Intelligence and Ronan would lose. The Supreme Intelligence would take over Ronan’s mind and for a long time he was no longer himself, becoming a constant thorn in Captain Marvel’s side.

Eventually gaining control of himself again, Ronan would regain his title as Accuser and fight in the Kree-Skrull War and the Kree-Shi’ar War. His time against the Supreme Intelligence becomes a strong working partnership as he becomes the Intelligence’s right hand man. This would go until Ronan is framed for treason and by the time he can find out who framed him and stop them, they’d already mortally wounded the Supreme Intelligence. Ronan would help kill the Supreme Intelligence so it didn’t die slow and painfully, he then became the new ruler of the Kree Empire.

This was a tumultuous time for the Kree Empire as the Annihilation Wave, the devastating army of the tyrant Annihilus, would wipe out or assimilate many planets through out the universe. When all was said and done, Ronan found himself working with the last surviving Nova and the Guardians of the Galaxy. He would help form the Annihilators, a powerful team to fight other such Annihilus level threats and prevent them from ever getting so bad as they had before. To strengthen bonds with the Inhumans, Ronan would marry Crystal of the Inhumans royal family. This marriage was a formality, though, when it was dissolved, it was a sad time for Ronan as he and Crystal had begun to care for one another.

The Black Vortex was a phenomenon that could grant great cosmic power to those who found it. Several heroes had been twisted by this cosmic evolution and were ready to wipe out the Kree homeworld of Hala. Ronan was able to access to the Black Vortex to stall the destruction only for another to finish the job. This would traumatize Ronan, leaving him trying to rebuild the Kree Empire. Unfortunately some Kree who had survived by being far away had returned to also try to rebuild the Kree Empire in their own image, by using Ronan as an experiment subject. He was dismembered and rebuilt with cybernetic parts. When he was found by Black Bolt of the Inhumans, he would apologize for their united kingdoms having to dissolve his marriage and for hurting any of them. With that, Black Bolt killed Ronan, ceasing his pain in this tortured state.

There you have it. A powerful being, ready and willing to serve his people to the very end. His been on the big and small screen. Will he live again in the comics? Who knows? See you next time!

Suggested Reading
Fantastic Four #65
Captain Marvel
Annihilation: Ronan
Death of Inhumans #3


Dr. Bustos

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